[MOD POST] 2010 Secret Santa

Nov 01, 2010 14:08

How Secret Santa works:

Take the form at the bottom of this entry and make a reply to this entry. Any type of created gift is acceptable to ask for: fanfic, music mixes, icons, wallpapers, fanvids, layouts, etc. Posting a wishlist automatically means that you will have to be a Secret Santa for someone else. Your Wish List must be posted by NOVEMBER 30TH.

During the first week of December you'll be contacted by raiindust and sent another members Wish List.

After you receive the wishlist of another member its time to start their gifts. Remember, it's much more fun to keep this all a secret so don't reveal yourself until the end. You also don't have to create the entire wishlist. Any contribution will be appreciated by your Secret Santa.

If you would like to (this is completly optional) post a teaser for your Secret Santa then Message/Email the teaser gift through. There will be one teaser post made around December 15th with any teaser gifts in it.

Gifts are to be posted between December 24th 2008 and January 4th 2009. On the 24th there will be a post opened here (at the community) for people to either post their gifts in, or for the giver to post a link to where they have posted their Secret Santa's gifts.

After January 4th, I will do a gift round up, and ensure that those who have not received their gifts are granted a back-up Santa, and in turn receive gifts.

What if I cannot finish my gift?
Send a message to raiindust and I will arrange a backup for you

What if I have a question for my giftee?
If you have any questions for your Secret Santa message raiindust and I'll contact them for you.

Where can I contact you?
I can be contacted via Message (raiindust or Email: sevenpuddings@gmail.com. If you need to contact me, please put 'Secret Santa' in the subject.

What infomation do I need to include in my Wish List?
A sample Wish List with all required details is below

Name/LJ Username:

How would you like to be contacted?: This is so we know where to send you the information of your Secret Santa. LJ Message and Email are the two preferred options.

What I would like: In here please state what you're interest in receiving. Please be as specific as possible when it comes to both what sort of gifts you'd like and which fandom/characters/actors/musicans etc you would like in the gift.

Eg, I'd really love some icons, and any sort of graphics really. Maybe a fanmix for Seth & Summer but any of the following fandoms are fine ... etc.
Also feel free to leave as many different fandoms as possible. EG; One Tree Hill, Seth & Summer (The OC), Dianna Agron, Clueless (The Movie), Bones, Sam & Dean (Supernatural).

What I can do: What do you prefer creating? Fic, icons, graphics in general, videos? Or would you rather create a muisc mix? Help us give you an assignment you'll be comfortable with. Please remember to specify which fandoms you feel comfortable in.

What I absolutely won't do: If you can't make graphics, or don't have the time to create and upload and music or fanmix, say so here. Also if there's any fandoms/actors/actresses you don't feel comfortable working with, say so here.

Anything else: For any information that might not be covered by the above questions.

Are you willing to provide a backup contribution? Yes, no or maybe are all acceptable answers. While we may ask for back-up santa's, if you know you won't have the time please don't feel obliged to answer yes. If you're not sure, feel free to put maybe, and let us know definitely closer to the dates.

Name/LJ Username:
How would you like to be contacted?:
What I would like:
What I can do:
What I absolutely won't do:
Anything else:
Are you willing to provide backup contribution?:

If you have any further questions or comments, don't hesitate to PM raiindust or comment to this entry!

comm: secret santa

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