Title: Tales of A Time Agency - 11 A/?
Rating: 15 to NC-17 to be safe.
Characters: Jack, Ianto, John Hart, Toshiko, Owen, Gwen, Martha, The Doctor
Pairings: Predominantly Jack/Ianto (eventually), but it’s the Time Agency so expect Jack/John, Tosh/Owen, Ianto/John, Tosh/Mary, John/the consenting population of the universe……
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Comments 10
That first paragraph was just so powerful it was...amazing
And then it got better from there!
God, John admitting his feelings, sort of, and the mental struggle it ensues...gosh it was just written so beautifully! And I really sympathise with him! The poor boy!!
As for Tosh and Owen. Good on Tosh for letting go and sticking with Mary.
I'm just not sure how long she can keep it up though. Those uncertainties, and her niggling need for Owen.
And you've made Mary so nice in this, I sorta want her and Tosh to work out!
Ahhh you have the characters so spot on!!!
*runs off to read part B and hands over a plate of cookies on her way past*
Gah....how do I reply my dear? I'm so glad that you liked the opening paragraph! I wrote it hung over if you can believe that ;) haha.
Poor John, he admitted his feelings as far as he could I guess....but yes, now he has to decide on what he is actually feeling. Poor old confused John! :P
Well Tosh has finally seen the light maybe. But you're very right about her not being able to keep it up. After all.....it is Owen ;P. I'm glad that you like Mary too though, I didn't want to make her a baddie in this.
*blush* Thank you so so much for the lovely comment! *shares out the cookies* You are fabulous!!
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Welcome to the TOATA addiction. Get a name tag and find a seat, I'll be with you shortly. Lol :P
All these emotions are awesome! :D
I'm feeling a little sad for John *pets him*
And Tosh, bless Tosh I can't decide whether I want her to stick with mary or to go back to Owen, I'm kind of feeling sorry for him too xD
Off to the next bit! :D
I agree with the sympath for John....and Owen really, they are completely lost.
Thanks so much for you comment. :)
This fic is brilliant!!!^^
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And yaaaay, you liked this. The Owen appearance was especially for you too, even if he was in his slightly confuzzled state there.... :S
Feel free to hug Owen too....after all, who could blame you? Hehe I agree though, its not his fault he was blind to the fabulous wonders of Toshiko. Lol
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