Title: Tales of A Time Agency - 9/?
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Jack, Ianto, John Hart, Toshiko, Owen, Gwen, Martha, The Doctor
Pairings: Predominantly Jack/Ianto (eventually), but it’s the Time Agency so expect Jack/John, Tosh/Owen, Ianto/John, Tosh/Mary, John/the consenting population of the universe……
Chapter: Chapter Number Nine.
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Comments 39
Thanks so much for reading! :)
Call me crazy but I'm a little bit in Lust with John/Ianto pairing.
And im kind of looking forward to seeing Jealous Jack in the next chapters to come.
Please don't dont dont rush the eventual Jack/Ianto get together. Im enjoying the just-sex-vibe from John/Ianto.
and I kind of like the angst before the pleasure when Jack and Ianto do eventually become a pairing.
Please please please WRITE MORE!
and SOON!!
that was along wait!
im on the edge of my seat.
I can't help but agree with you on the John/Ianto ness.....I'm afraid I am a big fan of that myself....bet you didn't notice? :P
As for Jack and Ianto....they definitely won't be falling into each other's arms too soon, so don't worry. There will be more complexity before then. :)
I will write more as soon as I can....I'm sorry about the long wait for this chapter, but if I'm not completely happy with a chapter I just keep on fiddling with it until I'm satisfied. LoL, but I really appreciate the comment, and I just hope you enjoy the future chapters just as much! Thank you again :)
I loved reading this series!
Normally I dont like AU that much but the premise of this one really intrigued me.
Keep on writing!
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*runs in dramatically with an super special fan* Nooo, we have to cool your brain down! I'm relying on that for future chapters and Ownto advice! Hehe :P
*salutes* Yes m'am....or I can at least try. I shall come out of hiding anyway. :)
I'm so pleased you enjoyed it! As for more...well I shall get scribbling as soon as I can. I'm sure that I'll be throwing plot ideas at you again very soon. Lol
In the mean time, I'm just goint to stare at your icon.... *drools* :P
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*Praises the snow endlessly* Thank goodness for that! I'm really pleased that I still have you as my tower of advice! :D
I would if I were you. It is most helpful... *evil laugh*
A net? Thats a genius idea. But since I drooled at your icon....heres the best one I can give in return... ;)
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