Title: Best Friends Author: druinsanity Fandom: Heroes Characters/Pairing: The Petrelli’s Rating: G Disclaimer: I don't own them. It's just for fun. Summary: Oneshot: A nostalgic piece.
Title: Lions Author: druinsanity Fandom: Heroes Characters/Pairing: Nathan, Simon, and Monty Rating: G Disclaimer: I don't own them. It's just for fun. Summary: Oneshot: A stolen moment with Simon and Monty.
Title: It's magic Author: druinsanity Fandom: Heroes Characters/Pairing: Nathan, Simon, and Monty Rating: G Disclaimer: I don't own them. It's just for fun. Summary: Oneshot: A stolen moment with Simon and Monty.
Title: Grapes Author: druinsanity Fandom: Heroes Characters/Pairing: Nathan, Angela, Adam, Daniel, The twelve Rating: G Disclaimer: I don't own them. It's just for fun. Summary: Oneshot - Nostalgic piece from when Nathan was very little.
Title: Jacks Fandom: Heroes Characters/Pairing: Nathan, Angela Rating: PG Written For: realmofthemuse Prompt: It’s Christmas Eve, and you’ve stumbled in only to find Santa trying to decide what to leave you, as he lost the part of his list that said whether you were naughty or nice this year. Use your skills and charms to convince Santa to give you what you want
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Title: A Break Fandom: Heroes Characters/Pairing: Nathan, Peter not!cest Rating: G Disclaimer: I don't own them. It's just for fun. Summary: Nostalgic piece from Nathan's college days.