Title: 'Of Things Unsaid' - Fic #4
Pairing: Carson/Rodney - eventual Teyla/Carson/Rodney
Characters: Carson Beckett, Rodney McKay
Spoilers: '38 Minutes'
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 513
Archive: Would love it to be archived, just lemme know.
Disclaimer: Totally not mine in any way shape or form.
Summary: Rodney opened his mouth a few times to speak
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Comments 7
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Minor comments:
'a new disaster to divert.' shouldn't that actually end in a '?' as he's asking a question
'“I was.,” Carson turned' ... no need for the period here
“And you know the sex is wonderful.” needs a question mark
And now to my cunning plan ... if you ever need someone to cast a quick eye over something before you post it, I would be happy to beta for you. And if it means I get my sweaty palms on something ahead of everyone else ... just a coincidence really! :-)
acelly31@aol.com if you do ever want to send anything.
One small observation: Had is only been four hours since he nearly died?
I think you meant 'it' there.
Oh! Thanks for catching that!
btw, I adore your icon! He's got such cute dimples.
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