A Viking Death Squad Legacy // The Gro Legacy - 1.2

Sep 03, 2010 02:16

In this chapter: two more challenges, birthdays, more supernaturals, and even MORE cameos!
Founder Sim by: simpurity
Cameos from Sims by: boolpropbea, simgaroop, dorkasaur_sims, thealicecat, pinkposeysims, leenyland, bondchick_nett, quellasims, simtopi, upendoaushi, perchalicious, an-nas, katu_sims, & stakeit-uk.
131 pics

A rather boring, but not unwanted challenge. :) Here's a quick tour that changes a LOT soon enough.

And we're done! :D

Honestly, I can't get enough of making her conjure grilled cheeses. :) Its fun!

Junius May {boolpropbea}: As much as I love playing with you, don't you think you're needed elsewhere?

Siri: You might be right. I just can't put my finger on it.

Alv: D:

Siri: I don't think its this.
Alv: D:

Vibeke keeps going back to this table. I would pull her away, but she would go right back.


Yay! Birthdays all around!


blah Alv

Heir Verdandi

Vibeke: Do shut up. Cake is srs bznz.


Nothing happens for a few days and I got tired of having two Plantsims, especially when one wants to have 20 simultaneous lovers. Oh hell no!
Siri: Yes! My daughter will be free of plant life!

Siri: I'll take a few of those potions, thank you.

Siri: I bought you a gift for being a fantastic daughter.
Vibeke: Oh! How wonderful!
Alv: Its poison.

Vibeke: THE PAIN!
Alv: Told you.

Don't worry, she's still alive. And very pretty too!

Not very smart though. Poor girl.

Life continuing.

Alv: Why do I get the feeling that as soon as I become an adult, mom's going to kick me out of the house?
Vibeke: I think its just in your head. I'm an adult and I'm still here.

Not playing favorites at all. Nope.

Time to get Siri out of the house and get some cameos going. ;) We've got Wanda Broke {simgaroop}.
Wanda: Excuse me, I believe you have my hair.

Eulie Dorkasaur {dorkasaur_sims} being super cute.

Siri chatting up Vendelin Heino Heart {thealicecat} with Cassie Roberts {leenyland} in the background.

Cassie followed them around the lot the entire time I had Siri and Vendelin on their date. Also, I had never seen a non-controlled Sim get pictures autonomously.

The fish tank is seriously the best thing I have ever bought. I really need to get more recolors.

A closer look at Vibeke, who is gorgeous.


Siri: While I appreciate such family unity, could you guys please not all wear the same color? Its kind of freaky.


More completely random pictures that I just had to include.

Verdandi: When I get older, I'm going to go exploring in space and discover a new race of sentient beings!
Alv & Vibeke: *impassive*

Verdandi: The Doctor and I will fight side-by-side for freedom and justice across the galaxies!

Sorry, I find the Yoga positions fun.

Verdandi: OMG! Did you see that zombie?! It just popped out of nowhere!
Alv & Unity Wingham {bondchick_nett}: *impassive*

Alv: My sister's weird.

Alv: *rawr*
Unity: This whole family's weird.



And a little make-over. :)

Oh look! Its Matthias Abeille-Perbel {upendoaushi}. I wonder what he's doing here?

Could it be because of the new challenge?

Done! I really didn't think I'd be able to handle having a Plantsim+Vampire. This is cool because I love Siri too much to let her die yet.

Close up.

Verdandi: He's my age and he's kicking your butt. heh
Cameo by Napoleon Huff-McGee {quellasims}.

Happy birthday to Alv!

Alv: Grilled Cheese sandwiches bore me.
Please, give me more reasons to kick you out. I have no problems with that. ;)

Verdandi: I don't know why everyone hates this sandwich. I love it!

Despite their lack of personalities, I loved having these guys around. They were great to each other.

Even though I had already declared Verdandi heir, I thought I'd keep myself entertained by fulfilling a few wants for the other siblings. The gypsy brought her Puck Underwood-Druse {stakeit-uk}.

Eulie walked by, so I had Alv grab her. I love this interaction!

Also, PINK! O.O

Eulie: Wait! So, you're telling me that you're a Vampire?! O.O

Whoo! Another birthday! I'm flying through these! :D

And the first thing she does is insult Eulie. *sighs* At least I know that she's interested in men now.


And this is where I realize they look quite a lot alike! There are small differences, but still. Wow!

Bye Vibeke! I'll miss you!

Still happy with the fish tank, and still happy with my choice for heir. :D

Oh dear gods, help me.

Gadolinium Element {thealicecat} is clearly unamused.

I decided to get her out of the house and go looking for mens.
Top picture: Emerald Crayola {leenyland} & Meek Snootles {upendoaushi}. Bottom picture: Damien Annas {an-nas}, Shamrock Crayola {leenyland}, & Sabrina March {perchalicious}.

Alv takes a break from all his sandcastle building and sunbathes. Considering he built them ALL NIGHT, I don't blame him for wanting to nap. I couldn't have chosen to take one out in the sun, but to each their own I guess.

Buttah Posey {pinkposeysims}: I've told you many times, I'm gay!
Verdandi: There are no homosexuals, there are just people-sexuals.
Buttah: No, Verdandi, there are definitely homosexuals.
Siri: *stares creepily*

Verdandi: My psychic said that today is going to be a day of transition for someone close to me. I wonder who it'll be!

Siri: Psychics are all frauds. You shouldn't believe in such rubbish.
Verdandi: :O
Alv: *grows up*

Of course, NOW he looks good. Too bad he had the emotions of the teaspoon. :(

Verdandi: Now that the lackluster siblings are out of the house, we can finally cut loose!

Don't strain yourselves too much. Whoo.

Albino headmaster waiting to let Verdandi into the exclusive private school that apparently costs nothing to attend. There's a hack for that somewhere, I think...*ponders*

Still on the hunt for a man, Verdandi gets sucked into a Mahjong game with some new friends: Jasmine Baird {simtopi}, Aracel Dorkasaur {dorkasaur_sims}, & Tamara Katu {katu_sims}.

What do we have here? Someone exploiting my Merlin obsession...

Quinn Huff {bondchick_nett}. He'll do.

Quit trying to be scary. No one's buying it.

Siri: Isn't my bowl of blue colored glass just lovely?

Siri: Look how the artificial light seems to make each piece gleam!

I think Verdandi and I are in agreement.

Um. Who the hell are you?

They even color coordinate! However, the matching hair might need to go.

Domestic bliss!

Oh! And here's stats for our Gen 2 heir!

sims 2: gro legacy, sims 2: legacies, game: sims 2

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