The la Luna Legacy - Generation 1 Part 1
So this is a somewhat modified version of a Legacy Challenge. I dropped the legacy founder Claire La Luna (a Family Sim with a LTW of marrying off 6 children - stats forthcoming) into a fully furnished, fabulous house because the thought of putting her on an empty lot with nothing just didn't seem right. So, I moved her in and decremented her Simoleons to about 100 or so. Sue me. Anyways, onward...
"Hang on a second, let me get my shit together before we start this thing!" Claire darling, you look fabulous. Lets go already.
"I do look hot don't I. Okay, lets get the show on the road." Whatever, narcissist.
In true Sim form the first thing she wanted to do was make some breakfast. *crosses fingers* Pleasedon'tburndownthehousePleasedon'tburndownthehouse
Thank the Sim Gods! After her first meal of toaster pastry the welcome wagon arrives to welcome her to the neighborhood. Any husband material?
Shit. Just a couple of chicks whose names I can't remember and Benjamin hookbeak meanstreak jerkface Long. This will not do, not at all.
After some chatting, she leaves the fugs neighbors on the lawn and heads downtown for some more hot interesting prospects.
First guy she meets is Amin Sims. Look at him go. Yuck. So I send her off to the 50's diner instead as Man Material is lacking at the curent locale.
Amin somehow follows her there and try's to chat her up. Claire is unimpressed. "Please, you know this is the body language equivalent of "Lets be friends" right Amin?" Alright, Alright. Who else is here then?
Nice! The less hideous Dickson aka Mr. Big!!!! Awwww, with his pretty purple eyes. He will be ours. So our lovely heiress runs him down to chat.
"I like your eggs over easy if ya know what I'm sayin!" *wink wink* Perhaps we could try to be less obvious next time Dickson.
However, Claire is impressed so she regales him in a rousing story about her run in with Amin "I told him to go eat a big steaming bowl of STFU!"
Uh, Dickson. A little less focus on the tart in the black dress and a little more focus on lovely Claire. At least she wasn't looking. So they chat for a while longer and then I send her home for the night because she was giving me the OMGIMSOTIRED wavy arms. Lazy ass. We're trying to snare you a man here, how about a little endurance!!!
She's so tired she can't stand it but she has to make the bed first. She's got a ton of neat points but jeez. After she finished she did the I'm almost going to pass out half-faint.
She wakes up early and heads out to the patio to paint. "I can't get the trees right. Damn, I will kill everyone in the world!" As soon as daylight rolled around she called her future husband to invite him over.
I love their phone faces. "Hells yeah, Claire's in the hiz-ouse!!!!"
Dickson shows up and primps in the front lawn while Claire takes her sweet ass time getting to the door. He seems highly displeased about something. Perhaps its the weird hair down the center of his forehead. Just a guess.
She puts the moves on and he's totally diggin' it. "You know uhhhhhhh, I'm naked under my clothes." *wink wink* They do some more flirting and chatting and they're finally crushin'! Awwwww.
To celebrate they play some video games...
...and Claire's a poor sport.
They make up with their first kiss and a few more kisses after that they're in love with big puffy hearts. To celebrate she takes him out to dinner.
Where he jumps her in the booth... "Dickson, the waiter is watching! You're not into that kind of thing are you?" Prude.
To make an honest woman out of herself she proposes to Dickson. He looks a little shocked...
...until he see's the ring. "Oooooooo, shiny. Dickson can not resist shiny! What? A life of giving you 6 children to marry off and complete and total servitude to your all powerful master?!? Oh alright, as long as I get to keep shiny! My preciouses!!!" They head home and Dickson moves in with 70K!!!! Yay! No more sort of broke for you my lovely!
They promptly get to work on Claire's lifetime want of marrying off 6 kids. Fireworks kaplow!
Dickson, try not to look like this was your first time alright. Sheesh. "Who's the man? Who's the man?" Yeah, whatever. I decide the smoking jacket and Elvis hair won't do for a Legacy husband so I give him a makeover.
Much prettier now!
Go to Generation 1 Part 2 I know this was a long one but stay tuned for next time. Marriage, babies and other fun stuff ahead!!!