Title: A Touch Away
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Gwen
Rating/Warnings: PG
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Arthur and Gwen share a secret touch
Word Count: 100
Author’s Notes: Done for
camelot_love's Spring Fling. The prompt was Collide.
When the formalities are over and the celebrations have really started; Merlin miraculously wanders from Arthur’s side and turns up by Gwen; giving Arthur an excuse to come over.
Arthur inconspicuously touches her hand, slightly interlacing their fingers; Merlin’s body shielding the gesture from unwanted eyes. Blue and Brown sparkle with that certain shine; shadows of secret smiles form on their lips. In the middle of a crowd, the king inches away this small gesture has them collided together in simple concealed perfection. It’s a secret they alone share, the collision without impact, a tender touch; hotter than a fire.