Will Jabber

Sep 21, 2010 15:24

Seriously, let me warn you, that THIS might be more than one part.
Yeah. I got that much to say about him.
I have been through SO much because of this boy, that it dates back to last YEAR.
Chyeah. No kidds.
So this is going to pretty much give you a WHOLE story as to how it all started, when it all started, and why the FUDGE it's still starting!!
Seriously, that previous question (^) is not possible to answer because I don't even know the answer to it.

Okay. Let's get started.


It all started last year when I first heard his name.
I never really focused on who he really was and what he did.
But then when Mr. Hearts (let's call him that, shall we?) called out his name, I automatically started to feel funny.
Thinking it was just the heat (because it was REALLY hot in that classroom), I just ignored it.

But it kept happening everytime I looked toward him.
I would start blushing and turn warm everytime something was mentioned of him or even THINKING about him.
(even me just typing about him is making me turn warm and flushed right now. I'm DEAD serious.)

So ever since then, I guess I've started to like him.
Even though I barely knew the guy, I just knew his father was a priest.
Mom doesn't like those kind of people.
Especially the ones in my area.
They will always try to convert you into their religion like it's some kind of club.

If you are a TRUE religious person, you would believe that it's wrong to force people to convert religions.

But yes.

I liked him a lot.

So ever since then, I've freaken out about everything my friends say about him.

Guy (no seriously, that's his name): You know Will?
Me: (blushes)
Guy: You know he has that same phone?

Every since that day... (shakes head) everyone was all like, "OH, so that was YOU that shouted that!!".

Yeah. That's how loud I was.

Faith: Awww, you like Will!
Me: (blushes. AGAIN.)
Faith: You two should SERIOUSLY go out. That's so cute!
Me: (totally red) no it's not!!!!
Faith: Awww, you're blushing!!!

I should really stop right here.....

[continued in part 2...]

part 1, bored, love?, will, jungee_sue, jungee sue, jungee, jabber, part, e, jung, sue, jung e. sue, 1, crush

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