player event :: it's a magical world

Dec 01, 2011 01:25

Welp, the Turkey feast is over, so that means the Holiday season officially begins (because here in the 1950's no one celebrates the December holidays until after Thanksgiving. Right? Right.). Now, surely Mayfieldians, you could use some cool relief from that radiation overdose, right?--never mind the flesh-eating cannibals if they got to you first before the radiation did... But the days in our fair town are growing colder and colder as we approach the Holiday Season, and nothing accents the season and gets everyone in a jolly mood like snow!

In fact on Tuesday, December 6th, 195X, you will wake up to snow. Everywhere. Like, an unexpected tremendous amount of snow from overnight. So much that all Mayfield schools and businesses are closed for the day!

You all will get a free day of playing in the snow, making snow angels, making snow men, going sledding, snowboarding off Makeout Mountain (potentially life-threatening!!), ice skating in the outdoor rink at the Rec Center (the Rec Center has an outdoor ice skating rink? It does now!), or staying indoors getting cozy with a mug of hot chocolate. Or if you are an industrious member of our community you could try to get to work, I guess, no one's stopping you, just have fun walking most of the way there because your car can't drive through all of that snow.

In addition, John Doe Park will be the setting for a gigantic snowball fight. No one knows how it started but anyone walking near or through the Park can expect a face full of snow! The whole town is invited! Except those icky drones. They're too busy being productive members of society and salting their sidewalks.

So grab your snow pants, jackets, boots, mittens, hats and scarves and get out there and enjoy the wild blue white yonder! It's a Magical World! Better make it last, too! The snow trucks are out in full force, and it sounds like they'll get the roads clear by Wednesday December 7th, so don't waste this day!

Who: All of Mayfield!
When: All day Tuesday, December 6
Where: Snow Day all over Mayfield, Giant Snowball Fight in John Doe park.
What: Snow Day!


This is a player-driven, mod-approved event. Yes, this is real. Mayfieldians will not be expected to be at work or school on Tuesday, December 6th, so treat this like a weekend day for droning purposes. Work and school attendance will be required again starting Wednesday, December 7th, when the roads are for the most part cleared up.

Certainly feel free to post in your journals on this day! However there will be an official (Ooh la la) Snowball fight log on Tuesday so keep an eye out for that!

Idea shamelessly taken from another game... /cry

Feel free to use this thread for questions, comments or plotting! Enjoy Mayfieldians!
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