Slugger's regain -- Maromi invasion (possible spoilers for Paranoia Agent)

Feb 20, 2011 21:43

So, with Lil' Slugger's latest regain comes a strange new line of toys and merchandise in Mayfield called Maromi. It's a pink plush puppy dog that comes in the form of toys, keychains, hats, handbags, and other accessories. Maromi was designed by Tsukiko Sagi who has an intrinsic link to the existence of Lil' Slugger. Basically, Maromi looks like this:

Purpose?  Slugger's regain affects Mayfield because it allows him to KNOW when people are emotionally "cornered" (meaning, on the brink of insanity/mental breakdown or in enough distress to wish for death). It is never stated in canon HOW he comes to know when people are cornered; however, it's implied that the presence and popularity of Maromi possibly aids in his victim-tracking abilities, similar to a tracking device. It's certainly true in canon that Maromi's popularity in Tokyo had a positive correlation with the rise of Slugger attacks, though it remains unclear as to how.

Getting to the point, his latest regain includes a supply of Maromi merchandise (toys, keychains, hats, etc.) dispersed throughout Mayfield in stores and/or in residents' homes. The dolls would appear overnight with no explanation and they may be found in plain sight by a home's inhabitants. But it's possible they may be hidden somewhere less obvious (such as trapped beneath a refrigerator or behind an air vent.)  Examination will prove that Maromi is an ordinary plush toy and it will not be moving on its own or speaking to anyone. It can be thrown out or destroyed like any other plush toy without consequence. It cannot hear or see what your characters are doing but it DOES help Slugger track down the crazies. Somehow.

Also, because I don't want to be butting into everyone's business every time a character is in distress, Maromi's presence---or lack thereof---can be used as an IC excuse NOT to have Lil' Slugger attack certain characters. On that note, I will ALWAYS ask player permission before launching a Slugger attack on your character.

Questions & comments, I will answer them here. Thank you!
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