the family ties meme
Sometimes it's hard to make CR with your housemates, whether from a lack of communication or not even knowing that you had one! With all of the new characters, sometimes new housemates go unnoticed. And the fuller your house is, the more difficult it can be to get the whole family together, so to speak. So this meme is to help facilitate CR between our cozy little family units here in Mayfield.
You can use this meme to connect with your housemates and do some plotting one-on-one, or to get the whole family together for a nice sit-down dinner log. The point of this is to bring your characters together- because if you can't get along with the people you're forced to share a house with, you're in some hot water. So let's get plotting!
1 ☏ To begin a thread- there will be one per family unit. Put the address of the household in the subject title and put all of the names of the housemates in the comment itself. The first housing page is
here, and the second is
here. If there are any drones, indicate that, too! But before you do that, check to make sure that a thread for your family hasn't been posted yet! Ctrl + F your address or your character's name. If you can't find a thread, start your own!
2 ☏ Once you've got your thread, start sweet-talking those housemates of yours. Are you a young boy lacking some good CR with a father that's never there? A wife who wants to give her daughter some advice on becoming a woman? Or are you the husband that keeps dragging all of the drones' bodies into the basement?
3 ☏ If there are any particular things that your character does in their house that the others ought to know (examples: spray-painting the walls, playing music at full volume at 6 in the morning, eating everyone else's cereal), share that, too! Things like that can really enrich interactions.
4 ☏ When you're done plotting, start pursuing that CR! CR with your assigned family is one of Mayfield's most unique and rewarding aspects, so have fun with it!