Title: The Resurrection 15/?
Pairing: Pepa/Silvia
Show: LHDP
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Summary- Post ep 104. Silvia gets amnesia, Pepa tries to help her remember. (I told you I was crap at summaries)
A/N- I know I wrote an ending to this story already, but I was told that it was a bit abrupt and not the way any of you thought that it would end.
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Comments 17
This was not lame, juney! In fact, I contend that it was the opposite of lame. (Antonyms of lame: awesome, super fantastic, beezer.) It was a great chapter all-around. I like that Pepa finally hit a wall and broke down - it was bound to happen - and I love the new plotline you introduced. It makes sense that those mafioso bastards wouldn't be done with them yet.
Eeep! Update, like, NOW...I want to know what happens next!
So glad your muse is back on this story.
So Please more soon! And Thanks for the update!
Oh, I am a happy, happy camper! Thank you!
I’m trying to leave a cool and kickass comment but I’m so happy that my brain can only come up with: YAY! :)
This is just a fantastic story, wonderfully written. I better shut up before I start saying cheesy things!
*hugs you* Hope your muse continues to inspire you. I still love this story to insy-winsy tiny, microscopic, nano-atomic pieces.
I miss this story so much that i keep reading all the chapters again and again. It's true no kidding. xD So I'm so happy you updated after a very long wait. :P It's so worth it though. Great chapter Juney.
Thanks! And can't wait for the next bit.
plz don't stop....*begging eyes*
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