Hi, everyone!
Hermione's ABCs is, undoubtedly, a plotty Legacy. While I love writing all those plots and shooting scenes, it can take a lot out of you. Not to mention you hardly just sit down and play, letting free will take its course to keep a plot. So here's a Legacy just for the fun of it: The O'Brian Legacy! For those days I want to play something structured without keeping plot in mind. Enjoy!
Once upon a time, there was a lovely little town called Bridgeport. Bridgeport was almost completely deserted in anticipation of a shiny new Legacy, to be founded by a lovely brown-haired woman, said to be intelligent, witty, and hard-working, but most of all, kind.
Chloe: What the hell is this shit? I hate the outdoors!
Hi, Chloe. Everyone please say hello to the lovely and ever-so-pleasant Chloe O'Brian.
Chloe: Where's my house? Where's ANYTHING?
Relax, darling, I'm not done introducing you. Chloe is a Knowledge Sim and a Scorpio, 8 Neat, 4 Outgoing, 9 Active, 2 Playful, and 2 Nice. Chloe's LTW is to max all seven skills. Hooray, first generation impossible want!
There's Chloe's lovely abode. Chloe is a Sim I made based on the character of Chloe O'Brian from 24. Chloe's namesake is a computer whiz and kind of a bitch, but in a good way. I guess.
She's on the largest lot, which, as I predicted, make my game sick and terrible and forced Chloe to move around soon after this to a smaller lot.
One more thing...
ACR is alive and well in Bridgeport. I don't play with ACR active in any of my other neighborhoods, so this should be an interesting experience.
Chloe got a job in Science, because it was the highest-paying one of the day. But also because a scientific career suits her, I think.
Chloe's bad at cooking, as we will see throughout the chapter.
Chloe: But it's Cajun! It's supposed to be like this!
Chloe: This tastes horrible.
What was your first clue? The burnt plastic smell?
The large lot was causing problems for my game, so Chloe moved out to a smaller one. Here's the new house. I hope she likes it, because she's practically broke now because of it.
What kind of cereal is that? Corn flakes? Raisin Bran? I don't get it.
So, Chloe, how was your first day?
Chloe: It smelled decidedly of burnt plastic and new paint.
Okay. First day of work tomorrow to be excited for! And we're going to have to track down a husband for you sooner or later.
Just eat your pancakes quietly, Chloe.
Chloe: Going spouse hunting also makes me SO ANGRY.
I know you value your independence, but this Legacy isn't going to procreate by itself.
No one asked you.
Chloe: Why aren't the pool balls responding to my verbal abuse? It works on everyone else!
Just hit them with the stick some more, Chloe.
I think Chloe's just so cute. She makes very expressive faces.
The outing didn't help us much, but Chloe did meet a nice bartender and played pool with some guys who either heart-barfed her or stalked her.
First promotion! Chloe's doing rather well for herself.
Chloe: *facepalm* Why can't you like go out and have friends, so I can be left alone for once?
First bills of the Legacy! Looks like we're off to a good start.
Not only has she been promoted again...
...but she's fire-safe, too!
Chloe had a day off, so I decided it was high time we got our spouse choice in order. The only guy Chloe and I could both agree on was the bartender from her community lot outing. His name is BJ. *snicker*
Chloe: Don't you dare make innuendos on my friend's name!
He set himself up, Chloe!
Here's BJ! He's cute, isn't he. Geez, his hair looks really blown-around, doesn't it?
Chloe: His name is Benjamin, actually.
No, it is not, Chloe. Don't blow up at me.
Chloe: Congratulations on going to college! You did go to college, right?
BJ: Um, yes?
Perfect! One of Chloe's turn-ons is logic.
Aww, he caught you!
Chloe: Damn right he caught me.
I see your dominating personality carries over to relationships.
ACR does make things a lot less hands-on, which is good in a non-plotty Legacy.
I think I'll go ahead and say that Chloe wears the pants in this relationship.
Promotion number three happens the next day, as well as BJ's moving in! ~EXCITEMENT~
Unfortunately he's rather poor. Chloe earned more than that at work today!
Wow, he and Chloe are like total opposites besides neatness and seriousness.
BJ is a Popularity Sim, and his LTW is...
Oh, buddy, I foresee a lifetime of low aspiration, because you are not getting twenty best friends. Sorry.
Here he is after his makeover. I kept the hair, because he didn't seem like ~*himself without it.
Aww, look at them cuddling and stuff!
Unbeknownst to our heroes, outside Bridgeport is enjoying its first snowfall! Look, it's all scenic and shit.
Chloe: Benjamin!
No. BJ is very neat and loves cleaning. He cheers when I tell him to tidy up.
Chloe wears the pants so hard in this relationship. I should just put BJ in a kilt.
Aww, look at the engagement want. I wonder why he wants to learn couples counseling? Is he planning on needing it?
GTFO, butterflies. It is clearly winter, shouldn't you be dead? Your wings are coated in frost, for Chrissake!
Chloe continues to rake in the promotions!
But she's still bad at cooking. Not the grilled cheese! D:
Now all he wants to do is counsel a couple. lol okay.
While BJ cleans most of the time, they trade off on cooking. BJ hasn't burned anything yet!
Chloe's good at this!
High time they got engaged, right? Considering they've been breaking in the couch a lot lately, if you know what I mean...
Of course she says yes. He's too good at getting those grease spots off to let go!
Aww, what's with the boo-boo face?
Chloe: I have a cold. We were experimenting with cures at the lab and this was the bad batch.
I see. Cheer up, you're getting married!
With that, BJ Ajjanngadde becomes BJ O'Brian. Not quite a mouthful.
BJ: I kind of wish my name really was Benjamin...
And the wedding comes not a moment too soon. Generation Two is on its way!
I've prepared a nursery. There's a little hallway near the bedroom leading out to the baby's room, decorated in neutral colors. Wooooo.
Pizza night with the O'Brians!
Second pop in the scenic bathroom.
[/dinner spam]
Baby time!
His name is BJ.
Chloe: Finally! I mean, honestly, you should have been here already? Where are the hot towels?!
BJ: I'm supposed to have those?!
It's a boy! Chloe's hair and BJ's eyes and skin. His name is Shylock.
Shylock is named after a character from Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice." He's a Jewish moneylender presented as a comic antagonist, due to the prevalent anti-Semitic views in Shakespeare's time. But today, Shylock is more of a tragic anti-hero than anything.
Chloe: If you're so excited, you take him. I'm about to pass out, thank you very much.
BJ really is a good stay-at-home dad.
Meanwhile, Chloe just keeps moving up the career ladder.
Shylock's birthday rolls around. I can't wait to see who he looks like!
BJ: You got a potty? The hell? It totally wrecks the fung shui!
You suck.
Chloe: That's not funny!
Here's Shylock! He looks a lot like BJ, but I can see some of Chloe in him.
...Oh, boy.
How did he end up MEANER than Chloe when his dad's so nice?! I DON'T UNDERSTAND.