FIc: Lost

Mar 08, 2009 08:58

Title: Lost
Rating: Weak M
Classification: Presnet
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Summary: Scatterbrain Mao calls Jun to resuce her from a very hot day
Disclaimer: Don't own Mao, I don't own Jun Not work safe Chunamie!

In respose to a prompt from khiiimmy: "a hawt shower scene." This one is of course dedicated to her!

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jun, fanfic, mao

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Comments 27

novemberbaby March 10 2009, 03:51:36 UTC
Hi, I'm Tammy ^__^ Ummm, I love Maotsujun and I also write fics of them. *whacks self for lame intro*

I like how Mao-chan talks to Hug. They're both so cute! ^__^

Awww why did Mao-chan have to answer the phone? Oh, well, just have to wait. xD

As always, your fics bring a smile to my face.


junbait March 10 2009, 04:03:16 UTC
oh you! well I sort of know you already plus you're a sweetheart so of course I'ld add you! But I've been getting alot of of friend request from people who I've never even heard of and that was annoying me a little because I have no idea what their intentions are LOL

I would tell you my real anme but I hate it LOL!
It's nice to meet you (twice!) LOL!

Well one of khiiimmy's requirements is to have a interruption
plus I love torturing Jun XD
thanks as always!


hikarichan_hc March 10 2009, 05:34:09 UTC
Hi, hikarichan desu~
Domo for a nice fic from you again.
She sure is cute when she talk to Hug, hope Hug is a smart dog~ Like the one in 7th day... Haha~
Haha, but the ending sure let me wonder, my, what have she got herself into this time... Lolz.


junbait March 10 2009, 16:26:39 UTC
7th day? I don't think I ever watched that...


misswoodihut March 10 2009, 07:42:56 UTC
Hi! I'm Tin and I'm the crazy moderator of ebisu_midnights. loves reading every Maotsujun fic under the sun but gets picky when it comes to *coughssmutcoughs*

Anyways, way to go junbait!!! you're getting better and better with every work, XDDDDD


junbait March 10 2009, 16:27:33 UTC
hi! are you feeling better??
I'm glad that you enjoyed this one!


machomiya March 10 2009, 07:52:15 UTC
"Hey pretty girl, need a ride?” Jun said with a flirty smile"

i love this part

and of course the torturing part.xd


junbait March 10 2009, 16:28:39 UTC
*sighs* don't we all want some hot looking guy to just pull up and rescue us from walking? LOL!! granted that he's not crazy.
I'm glad you liked it!


maea_maie March 10 2009, 10:20:40 UTC
definitely love the squeak part. LOL


junbait March 10 2009, 16:28:59 UTC
thank you ^__^


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