The post I made yesterday was not really about anything that has already happened. It's just that I've seen my fair share of fandom meltdowns, and I can see the *seeds* of one here (not 'here' in the sense of 'in this community' but in this fandom in general). And I think (call me Pollyanna! *g*) that if we're all *aware* that the seeds are there,
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And god, that was long-winded. Everything is good. :)
Or we could both.
Hey, a challenge, maybe? Maybe that'd get me to finish at least a draft of it in a space of less than two years...
I think if I wrote this it would actually end up really fluffy, like. I mean, not 'fluffy' fluffy, but... somehow, I actually doubt that Death would throw bread at Sam. She'd be the same she's with every mortal - accepting, gentle, not judging. And if he did start to feel guilty about killing himself she'd probably tell him, "you got a lifetime, just like everyone else."
(Let's see how many types of anthropomorphic characters can we get to be really, really disappointed at Sam.)
(I'm having a total creativity explosion in my head right now. Could start writing this fic *right away*. Oh, damn. Why doesn't this ever happen when I have *time*?)
(Envisages the salmon mousse Death of Monty Python. Now *that* would be good.)
Terry Pratchett is quite popular. Susan would have a *field day* with Sam. As would Quoth.
Too, too true. But at least Dream realised that this was a problem for the whole of creation and his act of giving up was a sort of noble sacrifice as well.
(Even if I *did* want to slap him for being so bloody emo...)
You know, merging the LOM universe with the Sandman universe actually removes a lot of the bitterness for me. Because human stupidity and tragic pointlessness are just such a given there, and at the same time accepted as an inevitable part of a universe that is nevertheless essentially wonderful, that it's sort of insignificant. It's just not tragic on the same scale as the LOM ending would be *without* that kind of background. It's like... yeah, it's tragic, but so are 99% of human life, so what? It's all part of the big, beautiful picture. Or something.
Not very coherent here, sorry.
I would've loved to have been able to make it rain on spec though.
Well, removing bitterness is one of the points of this comm. I'm glad it seems to be working!
Sam so needs to meet Death. She's not going to be very happy with him, that's for sure. She wasn't that impressed with her own brother!
Hmm, have now been plot-bunnied. But not now - I need to get back to writing porn...
Oh God....
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