Show Title: School Kakumei Airing Date: 28th June 2013 (I guess....Not sure. All I know that it's recently after Come On A My House Single release) Raw's Download Link: Remarks (Optional): Don't worry! I am not requesting you to sub the whole episode. Only the Hikaru Papa Cut since I couldn't understand what's he's saying. But, he's really cute~ <3
I'll definitely have a look at this, but aozorasubs is actually planning to sub all the School Kakumei episodes, so I would probably sub the whole episode together with them, rather than just the cut (well, I prefer full episodes myself too!)
I don't think this will be soon since I have a few School Kakumei episodes with me, but I'll let you know if there's any progress!
You can follow us on Twitter @jumpinfs for latest info, I'll prolly announce there too if I'm working on it~
Show Title: School Kakumei
Airing Date: 28th June 2013 (I guess....Not sure. All I know that it's recently after Come On A My House Single release)
Raw's Download Link:
Remarks (Optional): Don't worry! I am not requesting you to sub the whole episode. Only the Hikaru Papa Cut since I couldn't understand what's he's saying. But, he's really cute~ <3
I'll definitely have a look at this, but aozorasubs is actually planning to sub all the School Kakumei episodes, so I would probably sub the whole episode together with them, rather than just the cut (well, I prefer full episodes myself too!)
I don't think this will be soon since I have a few School Kakumei episodes with me,
but I'll let you know if there's any progress!
You can follow us on Twitter @jumpinfs for latest info, I'll prolly announce there too if I'm working on it~
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