Show Title: School Kakumei #202 Airing Date: 2013.06.16 Raw's Download Link: Remarks (Optional): hello i've just join your community here! i'm new and all so please treat me well, yoroshike ne! i think this episode of school kakumei is really funny!! they celebrated Yamada's birthday XDD so please do consider to sub it nee, arigatou!;DD
Thank you for your request! It sounds interesting that they celebrated Yamada's birthday :o I'll have a look and decide on whether we will be subbing it. ;>
If you have a Twitter account, be sure to follow us~ I'll be posting the latest updates there :D So if we decide to sub this episode, I'll prolly announce it there too~ so yep hehe. Our username is @jumpinfs ^^
Airing Date: 2013.06.16
Raw's Download Link:
Remarks (Optional): hello i've just join your community here! i'm new and all so please treat me well, yoroshike ne!
i think this episode of school kakumei is really funny!! they celebrated Yamada's birthday XDD
so please do consider to sub it nee, arigatou!;DD
Thank you for your request! It sounds interesting that they celebrated Yamada's birthday :o
I'll have a look and decide on whether we will be subbing it. ;>
If you have a Twitter account, be sure to follow us~ I'll be posting the latest updates there :D
So if we decide to sub this episode, I'll prolly announce it there too~ so yep hehe.
Our username is @jumpinfs ^^
i hope you like and sub it
i'll be waitingggg
i'll make sure to follow you
thanks before :D
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