Eh why? I keep missing out comments. LOL. Sorry for late reply!
We're working on this, it's in the process of translating. But it seems like the translator in charge went on hiatus, so we're not sure when we'll get back on this project T.T I'll inform you as soon as the project moves on and changes status.
Airing Date: HTE DVD Boxset Extra
Raw's Download Link:
(That raw's from
Remarks (Optional): This is the one with all the behind the scenes footage of the drama filming and everything~
I understand you guys are on abit of a hiatus right now for lack of translators so please take your time with this one :)
I keep missing out comments. LOL. Sorry for late reply!
We're working on this, it's in the process of translating.
But it seems like the translator in charge went on hiatus, so we're not sure when we'll get back on this project T.T
I'll inform you as soon as the project moves on and changes status.
Sorry for making you wait!
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