My fascination with soccer is still continuing~ Right now, playing soccer at school during lunch break is the funnest. But recently something petty came up. The ball I kicked was off the goal so it hit someone who was walking nearby. I'm sure it was my classmate so I apologized lightly like, "Ah-, sorry!" But then really it was a 3rd year (middle school student) upperclassman!! He got mad at me, of course. [He told me], "There is no such thing as apologizing that way, no!?" So then I apologized again saying, "I am sorry" so I thought it was all over but the teacher who witnessed all of that called me and said, "You should have apologized properly from the start" so I got scolded again. Even in the enjoyable soccer, there are a lot of risks.
Recently, me and my family went out to eat pasta. My older brother (Ryutaro) sat beside me. Ryuu was like, "Bring me juice" and uses me as someone to get things for him. When I disobey him, it's scary. I heard him say "Yeah, yeah" but it was a bit mortifying so I filled the cup with water and only put in a small amount of juice. I got found out right away so he told me, "Follow me properly!" and I was made to go again. If stuff like these happen, I should have followed exactly (laughs).
My school has a culture festival next time. My class is in charge of the chorus singing. We're gonna sing Arashi's "Everything". It was chosen through the majority rule. Some girls also suggested for us to sing a JUMP song but I'm fine with Arashi's. That is because me and my brother go to the same school so it wouldn't it be embarrassing since Ryuu will also hear it! (Staff : "Are you practicing well?") No, not really. It's a song I like so even if I don't practice I can sing it all. Playing around is funner than that too .... wait, saying stuff like these in Duet is bad! Isn't it unwise to say that even if it's a sempai's song I'm not practicing it!? I have to promise that, "From now on, I will practice properly!" (laughs)
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