Eck, I've been in a complete daze the past week. I don't know what's been up with me, but well, sorry if I've not been around or said much. The milkshake shower certainly didn't help, that's for sure.
Everyone doing okay?
Private to Horo: Hard to Hack )
[ooc: Slightly backdated, like, a few minutes before Ren's post, if that's okay?]
If he comes back, I might.
It wouldn't be a bad idea would it? Might clear up a few things, and he does seem more open to talking about it.
No... guess I should ask. If he comes back, that is.
Right, let's just hope he does come back then.
Yeah... that's pretty much all we can do.
Well, not like he's better off back home, from what you told me anyway. He's probably safer here...
Guess we both are... but is it wrong to think that? when this place is so horrible, and all. And we should be helping at home...
Time stands still though till you go back, it's not like you miss anything. I guess it depends on how you look at things. But really, I don't see the sense in being negative.
But if we got out... we could be of help there, and get things done. Or will they get done eve if we are trapped here?
Well you go home, see people from the City but come back and they say they've never left. It's pretty weird, I guess what's meant to happen will happen, and we just have to accept it. Besides, I know you and Ren must be doing the best for your world.
Yeah, probably... Still, I can't help feeling a bit guilty.
That's because you get so involved with people you care about, because you're a good friend.
But is it so good after all, getting too involved in their lives?
It just shows you care, nothing wrong with that.
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