Title: Tears
Pairing: Chen/Tao
Rating: G
Summary: Tao cries because Jongdae doesn't.
A/N: exploding with feelings for them out of nowhere hello. fic banner made by
ichidae! thank you so much, i love it ♥
No matter how many times Huang Zitao cries, sniffles, blubbers or whimpers, it's heartbreaking. There just was simply no way to be immune to it - sure, in the back of their minds they might think 'not again', but there's something so beautifully fragile about the way Tao just... cries. He cries when he talks about his grandparents, he cries when he talks about Exo's other half in Korea. He cries when he forgets to pick up his gege's favorite cereal from the corner store and he cries when he watches movies.
It doesn't really matter where he is, either. He'll just cry if he feels like crying. He might stifle a sob or two but once the dam is broken he doesn't bother to stem the water-works. Which is fine, really, because it's good to know that Tao hasn't lost himself in the stardom yet.
Retaining his innocence, is what Kris says occasionally.
And Jongdae. Jongdae's heart implodes and turns into a gaping black hole whenever Tao cries. Sometimes, Jongdae thinks, Tao cries because Jongdae doesn't. Jongdae misses Korea - he misses speaking his language, eating his food, his family - he's a million miles away from where he wants to be but he needs to save face. He needs to be strong. Tao has the luxury of being in his home country, speaking the language that's his, not having to pay for long-distance phone calls to his parents. Tao cries when Jongdae doesn't - when Jongdae can't - and sometimes... Jongdae feels responsible to care for him.
It's not surprising to others, when Jongdae moves forward to catch Tao's tears or rub his back soothingly. But it's a bit surprising because everyone usually lets Tao just cry it out, whereas Jongdae offers his shoulder and stands firm until the younger is done. On the surface they're not terribly close, though they're always in each other's space in one way or another. They stand next to each other in formation, they're paired together in photoshoots as the two youngest. Jongdae doesn't think it's strange that he gravitates towards Tao.
He definitely doesn't think it's strange that he just wants to hold Tao every time his heart gets sad.
It's cheesy, it's super cheesy and Jongdae knows that. He knows that offering tissue to wipe up Tao's snot and tears is something boyfriends do to their girlfriends and Tao probably doesn't want to be de-masculinized but he's already crying so what's the harm?
Jongdae doesn't like seeing anyone cry.
He especially doesn't like to see Tao, who has a heart of gold, cry.
And Tao doesn't care anyway because he accepts the tissue and he lets Jongdae gently dab his face dry.
So now as they sit in the back of the van, Tao quietly sniffling to himself because of his fall on broadcast, Jongdae wraps an arm around the younger's shoulders and pulls him into his side. Tao is too hard on himself sometimes, and if he can't perform his own craft flawlessly he beats himself up for hours.
The only thing Jongdae can offer is physical comfort. He can't even begin to comprehend how to comfort Tao in Mandarin, and whatever he says in Korean will go through an already emotionally frazzled brain. So most times Jongdae is quiet, rubbing Tao's arm or back or knee and letting the other sag against him. Other times he'll hum a soft song, which Tao appreciates by leaning closer to him and quieting down.
“Hyung...” Tao speaks with as much volume as the flutter of a butterfly wing. “Thank you.” He says in Korean.
Jongdae smiles. “You're welcome,” he replies in Mandarin.
Sentiments and comfort will never be blocked by a language barrier. Tao's tears are in a language everyone can understand.
Jongdae's voice is a comfort beyond words.
Tao's head pillows on Jongdae's shoulder, his body relaxing a bit. The weight is warm and his tears have stopped dripping onto Jongdae's skin. Jongdae doesn't remove his arm, doesn't stop humming a song under his breath, and he closes his eyes, resting his cheek atop the younger's head.
Tao cries because Jongdae doesn't.
This is all Jongdae can do to show his gratitude.
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