Title: Grade A
Pairing: Junghee/Gwiboon
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Junghee is disruptive in class. Her teacher, Gwiboon, will find a much more beneficial way to use that busy mouth.
Request by:
unnie ♥
A/N: Oh my God it felt so fucking good to write lesbian SHINee ide, also no edit for this because I was lazy tbh xD;; I LOVE YOU UNNIE
Because you know. Yolo. )
Comments 14
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lmao i think i'd want to be the teacher too, junghee...
omg that was so perfect and so hot ahhhh you are amazing ilusfm <3
I cannot coherently reply rn cause my brain is on FIYAH from all that hotness. I'll reread it later (maaaaaaaany times ^_~) and reply again with more than just squee. But you are perfect dongsaeng <33333
<3333333 i love you too perfect unnie ;____; ♥
i haven't read girl!shinee in ages so thank you for writing this! i've missed your girl!shinee. you were the first one i read who write shinee genderswitch, i think.
but i love how gwiboon was so in control and intimidating. she really would be the type of girl that everyone admires, but that they are afraid of as well.
and junghee getting a c- in english and talking during class is just so fitting.
so uh...memming this! yeah. /brain melts
don't worry about catching up, i was mia forever and then all of a sudden KABLAM every day i'm posting so... yeah
i read one of your exo fics the other day and it was krisyeol and actually you're the reason i started writing exo, cuz i was like "well if this shawol can write it then i can too!!!!!!!!!!!!"
and thus a monster was born
hahaha anywayyy, good to hear from you!! ♥
i read your krishan the other day but didn't comment b/c i was being awkward b/c i've been away for so long OTL and i loved it!
but yes! shawols can write exo fics too! as i said, i have a lot of ideas for more exo fics. not to mention i have a bazillion other things i need to finish that are just sitting there staring at me...hello girl!jongho from 6 months ago OTL
i'm glad that you're writing again! and i'm glad that i'm writing again. and yay! XD
something involving kris.
my memory is fuzzy orz;;;;;;;;;
wharhrahraharh celebrations for both of us!!!!!
this was hot as fuck :|
i can't really think of anything more articulate to say. it was really hot, gwiboon was perfect, junghee was perfect, thank you for writing this, and thank you again for sharing it!
dang, not only do you write good slash, but you write good femslash too omfg
not coherent at all tbh
lol i do what i can
glad to take your coherency and throw it out the window xoxo
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