Title: Shotgun (6/7)
Author: July
Rating: R
Genre: Gen, Pre-series, crossover with Friday Night Lights
Spoilers: 4.03 for Supernatural, FNL spoilers through the Pilot
Warnings: Violence and teenage boys.
Disclaimer: I asked Santa. The jolly bastard said no. Beware of canon dialog!
Notes: Sweet Charity fic for the lovely
saberivojo. Beta’d by
maychorian and
kimmer1227. Now
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Comments 44
And then...OMG, then, he kills the demon anyway, even though he's all busted up and in pain and oh, yeah...*flails, dies*
And now he's killed the demon. Yay! But it was in Coach Lamar. Shit! How the hell are they going to explain that. It's not like they can take Dean and run, not in the state he's in. But John's there, and Bobby's there and I'm sure they'll figure something out. Right?
Loved how when Dean was freaking out it was Sam that calmed him down. And when he was injured it was Sam he wanted next to him. *hugs boys*
And Timmy! \o/
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And, yeah, TIM!
I was all "Yay Dean!" because, even injured and in pain, he was able to get his hands on the Colt and kill the demon. I almost cheered out loud (and only stopped myself because I didn't want to wake anybody else up).
And then there was this: “That was for Mom, you son of a bitch.” I love that, in this AU, John was there with the boys when the YED was finally killed. *\o/*
Fantastic job fitting the demon, the Colt, and the Winchesters finally avenging their mother into the FNL setting. I wasn't sure how it would all play out, but I love what you came up with. And I'm definitely curious to find out what the aftermath of this mess is.
Yeah. Now I'm done. I definitely need to go to bed now.
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