oh yeah

Aug 13, 2006 18:33

Baby shower yesterday ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

sourisverte August 13 2006, 23:43:48 UTC
That's my version of hell too! Ugh!


julnar August 13 2006, 23:57:12 UTC
I couldn't believe how many people were there! I was thinking it would be a smallish gathering, and then there were so many kids too! I'm excited that my brother and his wife are having a baby, but, generally, I just want to avoid all things having to do with babies/children!

And then they were all talking about being pregnant and having babies! I am way too immature for all of that ;) and it makes me a little queasy.


sourisverte August 14 2006, 14:10:10 UTC
What I really don't like is people who talk about their kids constantly, like they're the best thing on earth, and they're so intelligent, and they're so cute, etc. All kids are like that!!!! I really hope that when I have children I don't turn into one of those moms.


brighteyedcat August 14 2006, 03:33:58 UTC
Approximately 50 women, toddlers, and babies: my version of hell.

me too.


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