A Week In the Life of Tina, Volume 1

Apr 28, 2008 21:40

Joining all of those who have previously jumped on the bandwagon! Hope I don't bore you all to death! hahaha *huggles

The Aim of the Game:
For one week you are to post photographs taken during the day.

* You must take between 6-8 new photographs each day.
* Your WITL must be CONSECUTIVE. No skipping days.
* You must post your photographs at the end of that day, sometime after the last picture is taken.
* Each photograph must have the time taken beneath and ...a title, with no other explanation. (I'm not exactly following this rule either.)
* You must post these rules at your first entry, then link back to it for the other 6 days so people know wtf you're doing.
* Your post must say "A Week in the Life of (Your name/username), Volume (whatever day you're up to.)"

This is how I start off my morning. *rubs eyes* Good morning, Agent Eppes. : ) As you can tell the pic is a bit fuzzy...yeah...seriously...JUST woke up. LOL

Next stop...where else? savecolby for the daily picspam. Can someone say yummy?? Thanks mustangcandi!! From there I check email, facebook, etc. : )

Today I worked at Richard's. This is my office area and first stop every day to check and see if we had any online orders come in. If yes...I enter the order into the software, print the invoice and get to work on it. If not...trust me, there's tons of other stuff. LOL

Today I was making product and so the first step is to sanitize my workspace, as we're an organic operation. : ) I am always glaring at people who come around trying to contaminate my area when I am working. LOL

Today was spritzes!!! So, here you will see a various assortment of all of the things I would be needing in order to get the job done. Bottles, sprayers, labels, stickers, label gun, and of course, the essential oil blend.

Then...the finished product!! Aren't they lovely?? Each bottle is hand-filled and then I drop the essential oil in bottle by bottle. Then, I put on the labels and the "Trust in True Nature" stickers and slap a lot number on the bottom. Voila!

Then it's out to the garage! This is the packing/shipping area. For this job, I assembled boxes, labeled them...and then tucked in the lovelies.

From there, we head over to the shelves where the lovelies will eagerly await their new homes. : ) When I first started working there...there were only a few bottles here and there. I love the feeling of accomplishment whenever I look at these fully stocked shelves.

Then...once all of the legwork is done, I need to log everything that I used on the bottling summary sheet. There are a few more logs that I have to fill out, but they are boring. LOL

Then, what better after a day's work than a DELISH margarita with your bestie?! We didn't bother with Chili's this time...we went to Los Potrillos where we know they never fail to put the tequila in. LOL

meme, week in the life

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