Title: The Consequence of Showing Off
thelonejuliet Characters: Sam, Dean, Dean's ego and a bike
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count: 1,972
Rating: R, to be safe
Warnings: Incest, handjobs, boy kissing
Spoilers: To be safe: anything aired in the U.S.
Disclaimer: These boys aren't mine, and neither are the bicycles.
Author's Note(s): Written for
layne67, who wanted a
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Comments 42
I love this. It began as cute and adorable ( the boys on bikes omg ) and it ended with such hotness and LOVE!
Sam scooted in closer, tangling his limbs with Dean’s. “This is my normal now,” he whispered.
He knew Dean didn’t hear it; Dean was already fast asleep. With a quick kiss placed on Dean’s forehead and the knowledge that, now, he could do that any time he wanted, Sam quickly followed.
That is so, so beautiful. Thank you, darling. This so made my day! ♥
I'm glad you liked it! And, yay! I made your day!! Go me!
Sorry it took so long... *ducks head in shame*
(The comment has been removed)
Thanks for reading, at least. :)
I can almost see his face and feel what he feels at the moment *sighs*
The last scene is wonderful and touching.
God, I love that kind of ending, hopeful and sweet.
Amazing babe, as always.
Kisses *hugs*
I'm so happy you like it! Have I mentioned before that your comments make my fics complete? Because they do, they really do. *hugs*
Thanks, sweetie!
Btw, I love that icon. It looks like my cats!! (One's a gray tabby and the other's an orange/yellow tabby.)
and your icon was awesome imagery
and the last line from sam was so cuuuuuuuute!
I love seeing your comments. *hugs*
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