Lay Me Down to Sleep - SPN, Slash, Sam/Dean, PG/PG-13

Sep 25, 2007 22:17

Title: Lay Me Down to Sleep
Author: thelonejuliet
Characters: Sam, Dean
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count: 760
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: Boy kissing, incest, angst
Spoilers: Up to the S2 finale
Disclaimer: These boys belong to Kripke, not me. I'm just borrowing them for a sec.
Beta: candygramme and punnky_kitty
Author's Note(s): Yup, it's another fic for dreamlittleyo's beautiful quasi-manips! This one was titled Gotta Know How it Feels.
I really liked this when I first typed it up, but now I'm not so sure. So please let me know what you think of it, yeah?

All fics found here or here!

Summary: With time winding down, Sam's curiousity and desire starts to become too much for him to hide.

Lay Me Down to Sleep

Dean looked so peaceful when he was sleeping, as thought there wasn’t a care in the world. He looked much younger than Sam could ever remember seeing him. And, maybe that’s why Sam stayed up at night, watching his brother’s slumbering form. Maybe he just liked seeing a Dean that wasn’t hell-bent on self-destruction, an older brother who needed the protection he’d always given so willingly.

Yeah. Maybe.

It could also be the desire, though, that kept Sam awake. The desire for something he couldn’t have…something he shouldn’t even want.

But, that didn’t stop the wanting, the needing. Social stigmas had nothing on him anymore, not after everything that had been taken from him. Why shouldn’t he have Dean, the one person who’d never strayed, never left? Who’s to say that he shouldn’t be with his brother, in the biblical sense? They were connected in every other way…what was one more?

Maybe that’s why he was up later this night, watching more closely. Studying. Entertaining a possible scenario and gauging a possible reaction.


That wasn’t long enough, not nearly long enough.

What if Sam couldn’t find a loophole? What if he couldn’t save his brother?

He quickly shook that thought from his head. Failure wasn’t an option.

But, still…

What if? What if they only had a handful of days before time ran out? Shouldn’t they make the most of what they did have?

Dean made a soft noise in his sleep, rolling over onto his back. Sam looked over, not realizing that his gaze had shifted away, and noticed that the covers had fallen down some, exposing the tanned expanse of his brother’s chest. His breath caught in his throat; his mind going into overload as it tried to tell his heart that it wasn’t some sign for him to make a move, finally make his move.


That number…it just kept repeating itself every time Sam shied away from doing what he really wanted to do.

He wanted to kiss his brother.

Before he realized what was happening, he found himself kneeling by Dean’s bedside, one hand poised above Dean’s chest, hovering just over his heart. He let the other move to his brother’s forehead, smoothing back his hair. Dean’s lips were so close…just there, waiting for Sam to lean down and claim them.

But, what would Dean do? Would he freak out and leave? Or would he kiss him back, wanting Sam as much as Sam wanted him?

Sam settled his hand onto Dean’s chest, warmth radiating from that point into his entire body. Dean made another soft noise, almost like a whimper, and Sam just couldn’t take it anymore.

The hand that was playing with Dean’s hair moved to cup his jaw, and Sam stretched his neck down, leaned further over and placed his lips over Dean’s.

Heaven. Suddenly there was a word filtering into his thoughts, overplaying the countdown to Doomsday. This was Heaven, he thought, as his eyes slipped closed. Heaven was having Dean’s soft skin underneath his fingertips, Dean’s mouth pressed against his, Dean’s hand covering his…

Uh oh.

Sam jerked back, eyes flying open as he realized what he’d just done, the line he’d just crossed. Then he looked at Dean…and stopped moving altogether. Even his heart, his lungs, stayed still at the sight before him.

Dean was looking at him with a kind of wonder, cheeks flushed. His hand was holding Sam’s firmly to his skin, not allowing Sam to pull away. And his heartbeat was racing; Sam could feel it, feel the change from just a few seconds ago.

“Sammy,” Dean whispered, the sound barely carrying to Sam’s ears. “What…?”

“Shh…just…let me do this,” Sam responded, leaning closer to his brother again, pushing back the fear again.

It was the same as before, the same position, the same flooding of emotion. But, this time, Dean’s lips responded.

Sam couldn’t believe he was kissing his brother…that his brother was kissing him back. But, here it was. Here they were. And, nothing had ever felt more right.


That night, for the first time, Sam slept soundly, curled around Dean like a blanket. He didn’t need to watch his brother in secret anymore. Now, he could do it in broad daylight and not feel ashamed.

But still, in the back of his mind, 357 slipped over into 356. And, as it did, Sam tightened his hold on Dean, defying the gods and daring any demon to cut through their bond.

A bond that had been forged anew with a stolen kiss.

Now, click that little "comment" link and tell me what you thought! Please?! *whips out Sammy-puppy!eyes*


sam, fanfic, spn, first time, wincest, dreamlittleyo drawings, angst, sam pov, dean

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