That's My Boy - SPN, Sam/Dean, PG-13

Aug 23, 2007 20:44

Title: That's My Boy
Author: thelonejuliet
Characters: Sam, Dean, Emily, Fugly Scarecrow (sorta)
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count: 752
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Boy kissing
Spoilers: Scarecrow
Disclaimer: These boys are not mine. They're Kripke's. But, they have more fun when I play with them. ;)
Beta: confused_one06
Author's Note(s): This was written because of dreamlittleyo. Seriously, it's all her fault. 'Cause she made this and then I wrote the following. THEN! She offered to color it (see here or below) and I was done for.
Sorry it took so long!
(FYI, this has now created this weird partnership where she makes pretty pictures and plot bunnies start randomly hopping around my skull. *grins*)

All fics found here or here!

Summary: Something of an AU. When Sam finds Dean in the orchard, emotions run high.

That's My Boy

Well, I’m fucked.

That’s the only thing Dean could think, sitting there tied to a goddamn tree, waiting for his impending death by Fugly Scarecrow. He knew there was no way he could get himself out of it - these townsfolk meant business; that knot was way too good.

His thoughts drifted, as they always did, to Sammy. There was still so much he needed to say, too much. Sam…Sam didn’t know how he felt, how proud he was, how much he truly loved the kid…his trusty sidekick geekboy. Even if that love wasn’t entirely innocent, Sammy had a right to know, deserved to know how much he meant to someone. Right?

After hours of dwelling, he finally just wanted to get the whole dying thing over with. “Can you see? Is he moving yet?” he shouted across to Emily, the current maiden-in-distress.

He could hear her sigh carry across the orchard, though he couldn’t quite twist enough to see the exaggerated eyeroll he was sure that accompanied it. “I can’t see,” she called back.

There was a pause before she spoke again, this time causing Dean’s heart to attempt an escape through layers of bone and flesh. “Oh, my God. Oh, my God!”

Just as his body started to fly into panic mode, he heard an achingly familiar voice call out, “Dean?”

Twisting his head at an unnatural angle, he saw his little brother appear in the fog, and let his breath out in a rush. As Sam moved over to start untying him, he immediately started mumbling, not entirely sure of what was coming out of his mouth. “I take everything back I said, I am so happy to see you. How’d you get here?”

Sam grinned sheepishly down at him, eyes flashing in a mixture of amusement and embarrassment. “I, uh…I stole a car.”

Dean couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped. “That’s my boy!” he said, triumphantly.

He opened his mouth to say something else, but any words were cut off when the look in Sam’s eyes morphed into something without a definite name to it, something that Dean had only ever seen looking back at him in the mirror of his own image. Then, when one of Sam’s big hands came up to grab his chin, cupping his face, the breath he’d let out in relief was suddenly stuck in his throat.

He couldn’t help but arch his neck slightly, tilting his face up into Sam’s. The unknown was about to be breached, a forbidden line was about to be crossed and, after years of denial and self-arguments, Dean found that he didn’t care. Not anymore. Sam had come back for him, worried about him, in spite of the stubborn pride.

And, Sam’s lips were so close. Right there for the taking.

Dean wasn’t really sure which one finally took the initiative after hours - or was it only seconds? - of lingering there, their mouths barely an inch apart. But, at the first touch, all remembrances of danger suddenly disappeared. The scarecrow was just a distant event, something that happened years ago, millenniums before Dean’s world was changed by a simple kiss.

He sighed into the kiss and vaguely felt Sam smile against his lips before he was angling his head more, trying to deepen the kiss. His hands were still tied, and he had a split-second to curse Sammy for the fact before Sam’s tongue was swiping along his lips.

Dean opened his mouth willingly, letting his brother’s tongue slide in and wrapping his own around it. Sam exploded across his taste buds and all the blood in Dean’s body threatened to head south, quickly.

That, of course, is when the girl - what was her name again? Joanna? Tania? Andrea? …Emily! - decided to clear her throat. “Um…excuse me? I hate to break up this reunion, overlooking the fact that you’re, well, brothers. But, I’m fairly certain that we’re still in danger…”

Dean groaned and pulled his face away from Sam, huffing a laugh and sent a glare at Emily that she couldn’t see. He motioned for Sam to finish untying him, murmuring, “Keep an eye on the scarecrow. It could come alive at any minute.”

Sam got his hands free and then paused, looking at his older brother strangely. Dean noticed, even in the darkness, that Sam’s lips were kiss-swollen - and wasn’t that just the wrong thought to be having at the moment - and his brain threatened to go fuzzy again.

Well, until Sam spoke that is.

“What scarecrow?”

Here's Part II, if you wanna read!

Whaddaya think? Let me know!
And let dreamlittleyo know how awesome she is, too!


dean pov, wincest, sam, fanfic, dreamlittleyo drawings, spn, dean

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