You know, a GPS navigation device for my life would be really helpful

Nov 30, 2009 01:01

Had a bad dream last night, the first in a long while. In the dream, it was very late at night and it was raining, and I decided I needed to go somewhere so I got in my car. When I got into the car, I'd been thinking of going somewhere specific, but because it was so very late and I was so completely exhausted, as I drove along I forgot ( Read more... )

exams, shopping, dreams

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Comments 10

aldehyde November 30 2009, 06:13:25 UTC
at least you didn't see this upon waking:

... )


juliet_a November 30 2009, 06:17:57 UTC
...yeah I'm pretty sure waking up to that would be more terrifying than my where-am-I-and-wth-am-I-doing dream, lol :D

thanks for being around to talk to! ♥ my problem is that I'm scared to make big life decisions without some sort of guarantee that things'll work out if I do so, and that's like impossible. so then I never end up really deciding anything. :P


aldehyde November 30 2009, 06:19:33 UTC
you mean you DON'T wanna be dazzled by 7 rpattz heads stuck on animated dwarf bodies? PSHT, I DON'T BELIEVE YOU.

yeh i know whatchu mean. but not making decisions is kind of a decision in itself, y'know? so you gotta figure out if your course of inaction is better than the other options. and act accordingly.


spacecowboy310 December 2 2009, 03:55:48 UTC
Don't worry things will get better! Things will fall into place...I will attempt to cheer you up with a joke:

the Earthling: We put a man on the moon in 1969.

the Martian: Big deal! We're going to send a team to the Sun.

the Earthling: You're mad! They'll be burned up before they even get close.

the Martian: We're not that stupid! We're sending them up at night!


juliet_a December 2 2009, 04:00:55 UTC
hehe thanks :) hope you're right about things getting better.... *is anxious*

where is that joke from?


spacecowboy310 December 2 2009, 04:05:10 UTC
I am always right!

I would like to take credit for the joke, but at last I got it from


aldehyde January 11 2010, 19:41:40 UTC


juliet_a January 11 2010, 20:39:25 UTC
am I just supposed to reply to this?


aldehyde January 11 2010, 21:04:48 UTC
did you just receive it? i sent it maybe an hour ago


juliet_a January 11 2010, 21:27:12 UTC
your comment was left at 2:41pm but I didn't get notification until 3:39, when I replied to it. your 2nd comment was at 4:04 and notified at 4:25 :P


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