Exams, recognition and yay promotions?

Sep 01, 2008 23:49

It is now Week 3 of my 4-week exam study plan and the panic is sort of starting to set in (at the disco). I guess it's good that I have a one-on-one meeting first thing tomorrow morning with the guy who knows how this exam works...hopefully he will be helpful and let me know if I'm doing anything wrong... Man, this exam is annoying. Again. Bah ( Read more... )

exams, fandom, work, harry potter

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Comments 1

aldehyde September 2 2008, 04:10:46 UTC
the panic is sort of starting to set in (at the disco)

this made me laugh longer than it should've :P

congrats again! of course i read 'the dark mark' as 'the dark KUHNIGGUT' and got confused 'cos i wondered "since when does she mod a batman forum?!" hehehe.

maybe i should become a member of this forum, hee :D

senior accountant, woo weeee! it's kinda funny b/c you look younger now, but you're going to be a senior. CONUNDRUMZ.


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