MM. What a wonderful weekend. [05 Feb 2006|10:47pm]
[ mood | bored ] [ music | My American Heart ]
Soooo I went to The Jet City Fix show with Ren. && It was definitely a lot of fun.
Especially when we left&&Julie came running up as if she was going to do something. Haha. You probably should of ran a tad bit quicker love. You had about two hours at the show, then we walked right past you,&&yet you chose to attepmt to do something when we were already in the car leaving? Haha.
&& I guess ren sent a message to Jessica saying that she's fat and all this shit, I mean sorry we aren't all throwing up our food. & she wants to kill me, Ha.
haha OH WAIT, so I guess Ren wasen't bulimic according to Amber. She just doesn't eat. Amber should try that, ha. Then maybe she would be as beautiful as her new best friend. Amber is the mature one who let everything go and doesn't talk shit on the internet.. but i mean wait, does she talk shit to peoples faces, NOPE. You and I maybe ugly Julie but at least we aren't fake, eat.. a lot, don't look like pigs, and aren't Ambers size. hahaha.
Comments 5
Let's hang out tomorrow, We get out an hour early.
I loveeee you so much.
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | My American Heart ]
Soooo I went to The Jet City Fix show with Ren.
It was definitely a lot of fun.
Especially when we left&&Julie came running up as if she was going to do something.
You probably should of ran a tad bit quicker love.
You had about two hours at the show, then we walked right past you,&&yet you chose to attepmt to do something when we were already in the car leaving?
&& I guess ren sent a message to Jessica saying that she's fat and all this shit, I mean sorry we aren't all throwing up our food. & she wants to kill me, Ha.
dumb cunt.
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