A shout out to
Megan McArdle for the inspiration.
I'm a firm believer that everyone should read and watch science fiction. Not only is there a lot of cool stuff people will be missing out on if they don't, but my future sales depend on it.
That said, we all know how hard it is to turn guys onto science fiction. They'd rather watch a game of football or tinker with the inner workings of their car. And when they do pick up a book, they'd prefer to read about how to get ahead at the office.
This can be quite frustrating for any science fiction fan who has to live with them. So for all you girlfriends, sisters, daughters, and bffs out there, here's some tips on how to introduce a guy to science fiction. And hopefully get them permanently hooked.
You've probably tried in the past. Left a copy of The Left Hand of Darkness lying around for him to find. Dragged him to the midnight showing of "Serenity", all the while explaining how it's the perfect date movie and assuring him there would be other guys in the audience.
No doubt you've tried to explain your fascination for science fiction in the following manner: "Character development!" "Continuing plot!" "Angsty backstory!" Instead, why not try equating science fiction to an adventure story. Only an adventure story with three-dimensional characters. The basic feel of it is the same.
I also advocate easing a guy into science fiction. Start with something with a little heavier on the action and a little lighter on the characterization. Maybe Michael Crichton instead of Lois McMaster Bujold. When it comes to television, start him off with the X-Files, then maybe Deep Space Nine or Babylon Five and slowly work your way up to Doctor Who. I caution you to be very certain he can handle it before you introduce him to Quantum Leap. For movies, Godzilla instead of E. T. You get the idea.
That said, I have no particular expertise in this area. These are just some of my ideas. If there are tricks that have worked for you in the past, or you'd just like to share your frustration of living with a guy who Just Doesn't Get It (tm), please leave a comment.