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Comments 4

caranfindel September 25 2018, 16:16:03 UTC
Oooh, I really liked this. You made me care about Patience, which is an accomplishment. ;) And sad bearded Sam acting not quite right but still insisting on giving the girls what they need, even through his own despair! LOVE.


juliasets September 25 2018, 19:19:22 UTC
Thanks! I thought Patience had so much potential with all the ways she was like Sam... And then they never interacted. Bearded Sam who is doing his best even though he's struggling is such a good Sam. I'm crossing my fingers that we get some of that in Season 14.


tyrsibs September 26 2018, 14:49:57 UTC
This is really great! I love the mix of "normal" college stuff with hunting and the contemplation each girl goes through about whether and how to mix the two. The sense of place is really well done, as is Sam's knowing all the best places to eat while remaining an outsider to both the town and, really, the girls. That detail is perfectly bittersweet!

Also, "We're at the bar" made me laugh out loud.


juliasets September 26 2018, 15:10:47 UTC
Thank you! I love Winchester Angst as much as the next author, but it was nice to get out of their heads and into people with more "normal" problems. I also really like outsider POV, and the girls are essentially outsiders to Sam, so that was fun. I figure the Winchesters have pretty extensive knowledge of diners and dives in the US, but you're right that they don't really "belong" anywhere.

Drunk!Alex is a hoot.

Thanks so much for commenting!


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