Fic: Taking Out the Trash

Sep 15, 2018 07:49

For the Tumblr ask: "Write the conversation between Billie and Lucifer before he goes to the Nothing." It was nice to get a chance to just totally dunk on Lucifer. Thanks to Artherra for the beta!

“Oh, come on,” Lucifer whined.

Billie kept a healthy distance from the archangel who had once bound her predecessor. The previous Death underestimated ( Read more... )

supernatural, my fic, spn fic

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Comments 6

quickreaver September 15 2018, 19:59:34 UTC

Just, okay, can you write for the show? JUST THIS ONE SCENE? Not too much to ask, really.


juliasets September 16 2018, 12:36:51 UTC
*prints the scene off, sends it to Dabb*

Honestly, any opportunity to write Billie is such a treat. She has such a distinctive voice.


borgmama1of5 September 16 2018, 01:07:40 UTC
Brilliant! And I do hope he is gone!!!


juliasets September 16 2018, 12:37:28 UTC
Thanks! And same, I hope he stays in the Empty forever.


tyrsibs September 19 2018, 00:29:20 UTC
This could fit into the show so sweetly! I really like the way you've written Billie.


juliasets September 19 2018, 00:51:42 UTC
Thanks! Billie is so fun to write, she's got such a great voice. Props to her actress.


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