В Голландии к детям приходит Синтерклаас (Sinterklaas), в ночь с 5 на 6 декабря добрый "Дедушка Мороз" приносит подарки. Помогают ему никакие не эльфы и не Снегурочки, а Чёрные Питы (Zwarte Pieten).
По политкорректной версии - от того, что вынуждены по трубам лазить, подарки доставлять. По неполиткорректной - Св. Николай спас чёрного мальчика от смертной казни, а мальчик в благодарность остался служить Св. Николаю. По другой версии - с Синтом ходит сам порабощенный дьявол.
Wiki пишет
1845: Jan Schenkman writes Saint Nicholas and his Servant; Piet is described in this book as a servant and as black, and is depicted as a dark man wearing Asian-style clothes. Steamboat travel becomes part of the mythos from this point. In the 1850 version of Schenkman's book, they are depicted looking much as they do today. The servant gets his African origin but still has no standard name. In later editions Piet was shown in the page costume, the book stayed (with some changes) in print until 1950 and can be seen as the foundation of the current celebration, even though it did use a lot of older ideas and customs.
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Wiki пишет
1845: Jan Schenkman writes Saint Nicholas and his Servant; Piet is described in this book as a servant and as black, and is depicted as a dark man wearing Asian-style clothes. Steamboat travel becomes part of the mythos from this point. In the 1850 version of Schenkman's book, they are depicted looking much as they do today. The servant gets his African origin but still has no standard name. In later editions Piet was shown in the page costume, the book stayed (with some changes) in print until 1950 and can be seen as the foundation of the current celebration, even though it did use a lot of older ideas and customs.
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