for babydracky

Apr 03, 2009 00:22

I hope you'll feel better soon, dear. Sleep sweet!!!

Title: Missing you
Pairing: C/Z
Rating: PG

It was the hell of a day!

Sometimes it feels life is running and I can’t follow.

Work - sleep - work - sleep.

This isn’t it.

I’m so tired I can’t sleep for more than few hours.

I’m even too tired for dreaming of dreams ..

It’s one of the rare nights he isn’t there.

This night is horrible showing me some kind of

emptiness … loneliness.

The universe is big but the world is small.

Before I knew him I didn’t want to be found.

I didn’t want to reveal myself… not even to me…

I always felt like a child in an oversize skin

but I didn’t show it…

because nobody cared.

But now thinking about him makes me smile …

a little…

Just thinking about him makes me feel home…

and smile a little more…

Coming home after work, after all these years

It’s a relief that there’s something that didn’t change…

He’s there for me, waiting for me -

It’s amazing to know he can’t wait to see me

as I can’t wait to see him.

When he asks me “how was your day?”

he really means it.

Cuddled up in his arms, feeling like a little babe

I cherish each breath …

When this all started I didn’t expect it to last…

But there was hope that it COULD last…

I wonder how did he banish the darkness?

There are soft spoken words of love …

Urgently spoken words of passion…

convincing me we’ll find each other

again and again

and again.

I love my Casey

Good night to all of you!
Julchen .

c/z; poem;

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