Eir's Tomorrow
R || Sephiroth/Cloud, Zack/Aeris || WIP
Cloud is the Planet's greatest weapon, and if he can't fix old wrongs and battles then he may end up being the means by which it all ends (again).
- this is the version that's been heavily revised since its original posting
- canon: original game, first half of Crisis Core, parts of Before Crisis, and Advent Children: Complete; DoC never happened
AO3 ||
FF.Net finnish translation ||
omake ||
side-stories ||
gift-fic ||
gift-art ||
misc. Warnings
- racism, in regards to the War of Wutai and the refugees in Midgard
- mental illness, occasionally drawn my own experiences
- PTSD, also occasionally drawn from my own, much less serious, experiences
- attempted sexual assault, but it's not graphic and the victim gets her own revenge; additional crude innuendo towards minors
- violence and torture, specifically in terms of battle and Hojo's version of science
- character deaths, some of which are canon, though none of the main characters are part of it
- tropes - lots of tropes, the least of which is wing!fic and an Animal Friend (TM), because I can
This fic was largely inspired by
knowing_shadows 's Fusion, twig's
A Long Hard Road, Guardian1's
But That Was in Another Country, and Lena ban Obsidian's
smokethoughts trilogy. Love and gratitude to
tir_synni for her permission to make the Strife family rather heathen in religion. At the time I began writing this Fusion was the only other time-travel fix-it fic I knew of, so any similarities between this and any other(s) are entirely incidental.