Hi, I found your KKM moodtheme on the KKM comm and really liked it. Downloaded it for use on my journal. Credited on my info page. Hope that's still allowed. Otherwise, just let me know and I'll take it down. Thanks very much!
just been hanging around the Ouran community a bit D: not only saw your mood theme but checked out your info page and saw you were into KKM, ML and other things too :D you seem interesting~ so, just thought I'd see if I could make a new friend~? <3
Hello there! Umm i was searching for ouran mood themes and A very nice person told me that you made one! I was wondering if you could give me the link and if i could use it! I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know! arigatou!!! ^_^
oh and i'm realy sorry but what anime are the images on your page from!? it looks real interesting!!! oh and would you like to be friends you have some similar interests as me, and I'm always looking for people to talk to about anime!! ^_^
Sorry for the late reply...been pretty sick lately. The layout is from Tales of the Abyss, which is a wonderfully addictive and cracktastic game that you must play. :D
no prob... I want to play and thanks for the moodtheme! If i use it i shall credit... i've commented on your other thing though and i'm glad you feel a tad better ^_^ *hugs*
Comments 63
Added! :D
Just forgive my recent emo-ness...I'm not usually like that, and I'm sure it will pass soon enough!
Well, there's one beautiful thing we have in common. =D I would love to be your friend.
You have been added! :D
;____; I have nobody to talk to about my obsession...
>_> *is a creepy stalker person*
The Ouran moodtheme is here. Enjoy!
And you have been friended! ^_^ Sorry for all the emo-ness...I've been very sick.
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