Beta Readers, Pinch Hits, Admin Notes

Apr 13, 2015 19:04

Admin note #1: Sign-ups are open for just under 3 more days. I will close them at approx 6pm on Thurs 16th April in my time zone, NZST. Time in your time zone is here, and there's a 'countdown' button in the 'Event actions' menu to the right. You can add, edit, or delete a sign-up until that time ( Read more... )

deadline, pinch hitting, betas, 2015, beta-reading, pinch hitters

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Comments 3

lanalucy April 13 2015, 07:21:24 UTC
I'm always willing to beta read for fandom. Fic is easiest, though I can audit a podfic as well. Art is not my thing, so my opinion probably wouldn't matter.

I'm lanalucy both here and at AO3 (I'm not writing). My schedule is pretty open. I work mostly at night US CT. If you use GDocs, you can just share something with me and put a note (like when you need it back, and that it's for this exchange) in the invitation email to lana dot baker at gmail dot com. Word with Track Changes also works.

I have very few squicks, and none I can imagine coming from this sort of exchange.


dangerousdame April 20 2015, 02:21:51 UTC
I'm happy to beta read for any story that isn't intended as a gift for me (I'm RobberBaroness on Archive.)


morbane May 24 2015, 01:22:49 UTC
I'm happy to beta fic and can be contacted at

It tends to take me approximately 1 day per 1k, so a long fic close to the deadline may not be workable.

Happy to take on any content, but would appreciate warnings for darker or gorier content. I am less confident with porn than with lower-rated fic.


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