Hello everyone - this is a public post with all comments screened. Being public, I want everyone/anyone to feel comfortable if they need or want to comment to me.
In a nutshell, the end of 2013 and beginning of 2014 have brought me nothing but hardships. Newly discovered physical health problems, a severe puncture wound in my wrist, and most recently and notably, the passing (Feb. 11th) of my 20 year old pussthing Mr. Finney. This is all in addition to problems I was already having including losing ALL of my graphics making materials, all of my personal images, and all of my music. (Out of 2000+ songs, I've only recovered a little over 300 so far) when my external harddrive crashed. :/
Onward and upward I guess, hey? So, I'm trying to get back to making graphics and updating my personal journal more often.
Very important - I can't express in words the appreciation and gratitude for my Makers and Friends who have continued to keep this community running during my longer-than-expected hiatus. I will be making something special for you ladies.
- autumn-mist
- siignals
- phyncke
- aglarien1
- optimisbest87
- laurahonest
- thestarlet
- ardisia
Please let me know if I've forgotten anyone.
!!!MEMBERS - IMPORTANT!!! This does NOT apply to the Makers listed above.
In an effort to 'clean up' the community, I think the easiest way for me is to remove everyone, and have you just re-join/re-friend the community and I'll add you back. Remember, only ONE username per member. If you'll be returning under a different or new username than before, please fill out
THIS FORM. If you request membership and 1) I don't recognize your name and/or 2) Your journal is too 'new' due to a name change, I will deny your request. I will not PM you to ask who you are.
I think I've covered everything. I'll wait a couple of days for comments before I clear the member list.
May x-post to other communites where I make pending permission from the owners.