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You are 0% Rational, 85% Extroverted, 57% Brutal, and 85% Arrogant.
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Comments 6
So much for your superior slavic education huh, can't even spell arrogant.
well you don't seem to have much reason to be arrogant anyhow...those little Norwegian kids were cruel...
Ands I SO cnas spell! Ise justs...feelinsg a littles funnysright now... I bet YOUS don'ts know two langwegges!
And deys was justs boreds... NOts muchs to do buts beats peopels wit sticks ands dumps chciken bloods on dem... It was likes a game...
...Deys nevers reallies lets me play it, tho...
Yeah I guess in the butt crack of the world there isn't much to do but beat up the scrawny kid, good thing you bulked up, huh?
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