Mod Positions

Jan 22, 2011 15:10

This is an overview of mod positions. If you're interested in modding, do let me know (by comment to this post, PM, or emailing Note that the duties of each position is able to be split amongst multiple co-mods so that you're not stuck doing something you're not good at.

List of positions )

.mod positions

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Comments 33

ehrgeiz January 24 2011, 11:15:44 UTC
I'd be interested in being a Team Mod and/or a Games Mod! :D


chacusha January 24 2011, 18:12:42 UTC
Awesome, thanks for volunteering! I've given you admin privileges in ff_minigames. Once you join, you'll see that I've posted two little activities there already -- they're not that great but I figured they'd be a good place to start. I really haven't decided much, so I'll leave it up to you to decide how often to post activities, what kind of activities to post, etc. I have some more game ideas too, so I'll collect those somewhere. Probably should have put a suggestion box in ff_minigames... ._.;

I've invited you to be a member of this comm (judge_magisters), so if you ever want to ask questions to the other mods, need people's opinions, have a suggestion on rules, etc. feel free to post an entry to this comm. :)


far_to_nowhere January 24 2011, 17:20:13 UTC
I'm interested in being a Team Mod. I'm currently a team mod at another landcomm and I post reminders, plan ways to keep the team social, and definitely respect and keep the peace with my fellow mods and other team mods and members. I'm also good with html and creating graphics so I can keep the layout/profile/posts fresh and up-to-date. I'd also be willing to co-mod


chacusha January 24 2011, 18:23:12 UTC
Awesome, thanks for volunteering! I'm going to wait until you get stamped so that I know what team to make you the mod of (I mean, the votes are pretty clear right now, but just in case ;)), but once you're stamped, you'll be a team mod.

I've also invited you to be a member of this comm (judge_magisters), so if you ever want to ask questions to the other mods, need people's opinions, have a suggestion on rules, etc. feel free to post an entry to this comm. :)


grimoire January 25 2011, 00:26:45 UTC
I'd love to be a Team Mod if it's okay? :)


chacusha January 25 2011, 00:40:15 UTC
Well... far_to_nowhere said they'd like to be a team mod, and it looks like they'll most likely be a Dragoon too, so... if you guys want to split the mod position and be co-mods that's fine with me. You two should figure it out between yourselves what you want to do there.


far_to_nowhere January 26 2011, 06:49:25 UTC
I've talked with roax and want to make her a co-mod. Is it alright if I change her membership to maintainer?


chacusha January 26 2011, 06:56:20 UTC
Yep, go ahead. :)


silvertigerx January 25 2011, 02:30:30 UTC
Hmm, looks like I'll be the only Monk for a while (LOL), so might as well try for Team Mod? :D I'm not too sure what that all will entail, but I'm willing to help out!


chacusha January 25 2011, 03:35:44 UTC
LOL yeah, I think it's safe to say you're the best choice for a monk team mod. XD The duties aren't really that much -- just posting reminders in your team comm, welcoming new members, building a sense of community, etc.

I've invited you to be a member of this comm (judge_magisters), so if you ever want to ask questions to the other mods, need people's opinions, have a suggestion on rules, etc. feel free to post an entry to this comm. :) Your monk invite will come later (still workin' on it).


silvertigerx January 25 2011, 03:37:57 UTC
Alright, sounds good! Will do!
Thank you~! Reminds me, I need to go vote, hurr.


breyzyyin January 25 2011, 23:33:35 UTC
I'm not 100% sure what being a Team Mod will mean, but I'd love to help out if I could! XD


chacusha January 26 2011, 00:27:51 UTC
Thanks for volunteering! :D A team mod is just responsible for posting reminders, welcoming new members, building a sense of community, and just being a link between individual members of your team and the mod team. (I mean, once there are more soldiers, that is. XD)

I've made you a maintainer of mythril_swords and I've also invited you to be a member of this comm (judge_magisters). If you ever want to ask questions to the other mods, need people's opinions, have a suggestion on rules, etc. feel free to post an entry to this comm.


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