While I would rather have a known donor, I know that known donors kind of weird Jen out. Also, we don't have a lot of options for people who would make good donors and also be interested in doing so. So I imagine that someday we will have an anonymous donor.
And yes, there are always legal options, regardless of who the donor is. But a bunch of legal documentation is just not as failsafe as legal marriage and/or a positive social environment.
I hope that the right thing happens. Heck, I just hope that SOMETHING happens.
can florida be a stepping stone for a job later on for Jen back in MA? Could you go there for a year, get the money and the job and then start looking for the same kind of job in MA?
I don't know if a year would do it, as she would be trying to build a career which would involve developing some sort of credible work history. Unless she ended up making some sort of connection right off the bat that could lead her to bigger and better things, it's not terribly likely.
I don't know that there are such jobs in MA. I know that she has researched all kind of jobs like this, as pen buyers or pen reps... none of them have been in MA.
I wish I had a fabulous magical answer that would get you all what you need; both good jobs for you both AND all the legal protection you need. Stupid government. Stupider laws.
Move to Canada. Then you would have no worries about the protections. I don't know if that's something you could do, but if you can, it's the best suggestion I can think of.
Everything I've read has led me to believe that it's really hard to immigrate to Canada unless you have some sort of "in." I know that many people have waited years trying to get in as skilled workers. Since we don't have any family in Canada, it would take a long-ass time.
But thanks. We've definitely mulled it over from time to time.
Have you had any online dealings with princesswitch? She's a queer woman who, until very recently, lived in Florida. You might talk to her about her experiences in that part of the country.
Other than that... I dunno what to tell you. Good luck with everything, and loads of smooches to you and Jen.
I have never had dealings with her, though I did just check out her journal. If things really seem to be moving in that direction, I will give her a hollar and tell her you sent me. ;)
Comments 12
because depending on each case, there are some legal options you have for custody stuff. not adoption mind you but other ways.
the right thing will happen. it always does.
And yes, there are always legal options, regardless of who the donor is. But a bunch of legal documentation is just not as failsafe as legal marriage and/or a positive social environment.
I hope that the right thing happens. Heck, I just hope that SOMETHING happens.
Or is that crazy talk.
I don't know that there are such jobs in MA. I know that she has researched all kind of jobs like this, as pen buyers or pen reps... none of them have been in MA.
But thanks. We've definitely mulled it over from time to time.
Other than that... I dunno what to tell you. Good luck with everything, and loads of smooches to you and Jen.
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