Reading: I am still making my way through Alchemy of Stone and it is a stunning book that I am just not making time to read at the moment. I will likely finish it in the next few days, especially if I take the train to see Janaki on Saturday, work willing.
Planning: Off to see my lady-friend as long as the tickle in my throat is just muscle
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planning: Nothing really though I should be having man-time with Chris here soon. Oh and Trollbabe on Sunday.
wearing: I'm currently wearing a green print t-shirt, jeans, a studded belt, white socks, and a gray and black scarf.
writing: Doing some game design stuff. I wrote up an alpha draft for the Indie Game Company Game Design Challenge and I'm waiting to hear back from the developer.
Planning/Playing: Nothing serious. Maybe some more Left 4 Dead with JDCorley and friends, but for the rest of the weekend I'm doing the last bits of Tenra writing work.
Weaing: My "Irony Suit": Camo cargo pants, and my shirt with the giant "Om" symbol on it.
Writing: Ah, aforementioned Tenra. Oh, and this weekend is the weekend in which I write up my christmas cards as well.
Planning: Probably more visits to Neutral Ground, a game store which closes at year's end, alas. A trip to Borders, maybe. And I forgot to pick up comics this week. Well, comic.
Wearing: Flash Girls t-shirt, black pants, with an extra layer underneath.
Writing: My zine for Alarums & Excursions, and probably more Presque Vue character sheets.
That said, I'm still pondering picking up Secret History of Moscow.
planning: Happy hour, perhaps followed by Rock Band
wearing: long-sleeve blue t-shirt and jeans
writing: occasional bits here and there for the 4e campaign that I may have to convince the players could be a decent and long thing despite their general jackassery when making charactes
planning: The next stage of KotS for the weekend, and how to talk to the librarian I'm doing my internship for about getting to endgame on the project.
wearing: The sweater and t-shirt I wore to work, pajama pants, slippers. It's good to be home.
writing: Not much, but I should change that. Maybe the internship, maybe something fun, maybe a post for Nascent Librarian.
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