Ouroboros Round Robin - 6.4

May 13, 2009 18:16

Warning: Adult themes, some bad language, teen/adult relationship... etc...
ALSO, this is a RATHER BIG update - 115 pictures! I hope dialuppers can still view it.. ?? :(

Ouroboros 6.4 - the difference between stalking and courting is whether or not they eventually say yes...

We open this update with a shot of King Richard either learning to talk/sing a lullaby/whatever, or being really REALLY pleased by his father's chimpanzee impression.
Still not sure which. >_>

Serena is still somehow managing to eke out promotions, despite being pretty much permanently pregnant and raising (so far) seven kids.

Time for a headmaster visit!
(There is a weirdly large default number of headmasters in any one neighbourhood, y/y? The Kreechurs had Nawwaf and Shane, and now the Ouroboroses have Vince... THREE PRIVATE SCHOOLS in one neighbourhood?! O_o overkiiiill)
I sent Serena out to give him a tour of the house :D

And somehow in the course of greeting him, and giving him a tour, she got 23 schmooze points.
Nice to see Vince appreciates Serena's sheer awesomeness as much as we do :P

Yeah... or not :T Serena manages to burn the turkey lawl. YOU HAVE LIKE NINE COOKING POINTS WOMAN.

Still, at least he has plenty of company for the meal, an...
Oh, wait on a second!

EESH LAWL. Great work outfit there :P Especially for a preggers mother of seven. At least Serena looks suitably unconvinced.

Welp, burnt turkey or not, I guess this headmaster is pretty easily pleased. Maybe it was the stimulating conversation. Maybe it was the stimulating skanky outfit his hostess was wearing. Either way, the kids got in :D

And it was the only time I've seen a sim cook a turkey, and the whooole thing got eaten. Every last scrap. Probably to do with having four hungry teenagers in the house :P

Soon to be six! :D

Ebenezer! ^__^
Ambition: Family
Turn ons: Brown hair and Creativity
Turn off: Mechanical
Lifetime Want: Reach golden anniversary.

Uriel, who is rather stern.
Ambition: Romance
Turn ons: Makeup and Grey hair (okay, what is with all my romance sims being attracted to nannas, seriously o.o)
Turn off: Swimwear
Lifetime Want: Become celebrity chef.

LOL OH GOD. Look at the waiter dude's panic stricken face.
Ebenezer Scrooge: *ppffffbbbbttttt*

Ebenezer got a quick makeover, which she doesn't look very happy with, but the non-animated hair starts to get on my nerves after a while so TOUGH TITTIES :T

Lol and Uriel may LOOK stern, but she does not have the personality to match it XD she's the only sim I've ever had who autonomously checks themselves out in the household mirrors ALL the goddamn time XD
Uriel Septim: Haaaaay baby you looking FIIIINE ;D

Serena's distaste for her tramptacular work outfit apparently inspired her to perform extra well and get her second promotion in a row. Woo yay!

Yep, just in time for a *BLOOMP* and a few days of maternity leave. Time to skill up for the last run up to LTW I guess!

Teenagers are really handy. Especially ones that look after their baby brothers without even being asked -- <3 Avery :D

The teens trundle off to school, all decked out in super stylish private school duds for the first time. Snazzy! :O~

And one of them brought home THIS. All he needs is glasses and pimples to be perfectly stereotypically geeky, in all his bowl-cut, sweatervesty glory.

Uh oh, THAT can't be good O_O

Argh, what the hell?!?! Seriously, she was FINE. Her bars were all at or above half :T My game is such a random bitch sometimes.

Meanwhile, the sims throw a party for King Richard :D (that's what the cake is for yah)
And Xavier and Ebenezer Scrooge get into a game of rock paper scissors. I don't think Ebenezer likes losing to her brother very much ;[


Ah yeah... excuse the ball jointed doll fandom reference :P For those who don't understand it, it's so much cracked-ness, you probably don't want to XD

Back to the matter at hand though! Which is, the adorableness that is King Richard expanding exponentially in mass!

Isn't he just the CHEEKIEST LITTLE MONKEY lol... I completely expect him to wander around pranking people and cracking jokes 24/7. Which he actually probably would do, because his stats are 3 messy, 10 outgoing, 3 lazy, 10 playful and 3 mean. Aside from the laziness, pretty much the perfect cheeky trickster personality :P

And then, a little while later:

Serena: *BLOOMP*

YAY FINALLY CAPTURED THE PINK DUST XD it only took me four pregnancies, but, like better late then never and stuff :x

Yeah, in my triumphant excitement I took two pics :P ssssh, just sit back and enjoy the soothing, billowing cloud of pinkness from another angle XD

Hi there, rather forlorn repairman who has kept the house from disintegrating entirely since the quads were like... toddlers :D
He's probably forlorn because he's so OVERWORKED, since he's over repairing shit pretty much every single day.

Hmm I accidentally clicked on the lot next door and uh... yeah I'm pretty sure Henrik doesn't live there anymore, guys ^^;;;

One of the two kids' 'dormitories', fully booked for the night. Colour scheme is slightly less random now that the walls are green instead of lemony stripe... well, marginally so anyway :x

Babby time... for... THE LAST TIME YESSSSS *throws streamers!!!*

Meet Serena's last baby, a little girl called Seti (Prince of Egypt) :)

New babies generate a LOT of excitement in the household now that the kids are old enough to celebrate XD

And of course, plenty of excitement for their parents. Aww :( Serena's just about too old to have another baby now, even if I would let them, and I'm going to feel so bad for her when she becomes an elder. Even though she's a romance sim, she just FREAKING LOVES BABIES.

Yeah, expect a bit of Baby!Seti spam. I was feeling all nostalgic because she was the final kid *wibbles*

I was so confused when I saw this townie walking by, because... she's actually an ELDER O_o. I was watching her hunchy walk animation going, "... the fuck?"

But check it, yep, liver spots and grey eyebrows! Welp, you work it, girlfriend *snaps fingers*

Yeah this is pretty much what the front yard looks like every day - and then the living room as soon as the kids all finish their homework and head inside. O_O chaosss

Baby bath time <33

I just thought this was a cute shot XD
Those pillows look weirdly like... solid to me. As though the stuffing weighs a ton more than feathers. Uriel's almost looks like a flour sack O_o

Lol they invited their old butler over for a party, and he immediately starts cooking and serving food for everyone. XD Guess who's getting invited to all their parties from now on? :P

All too soon, it's Seti's birthday.
(Look at all the people there lol O_O it's totally true as well - parents invite a ZILLION people to their kids birthdays when they're too young to even care. Just an excuse for the parents to hold a bash :P)

*__* Cuuuute!!
(I seriously think I picked a good pair of sims to have a zillion kids if I was going to :P they may all be blue, black haired aliens, but they're all SO PRETTIES)

*shakes head* Oh, Serena D: noooo moooore babies!! Sorry!

Henrik FINALLY has a change of outfit XD Very dapper my dear, very dapper indeed ;}

And Serena is getting promoted too... finally with no more buns to be in the oven EVER she can focus on getting her LTW - I think she has about 4 days or something to elderhood though :x

Ten sims in the house - yay for lotfullofsims hack XD From top to bottom, Serena, Henrik, Avery, Jean-Luc Picard, Xavier, Yupa, Ebenezer Scrooge, Uriel Septim, King Richard and Seti.

Even when King Richard's doing normal little kid things he still looks like he's plotting something evil :P

All the teen sims started rolling wants for dates and first kisses and such like, so I pretty much started nabbing whatever teen kids they brought home with them from school. Uriel Ended up on a date with Melody Tinker, here.

And Ebenezer started pulling the moves on this cute redhead. I guess my sims have a bit of a penchant for dark skinned, light haired girls? XD

Uriel Septim has a very urm... interesting... flirtation style >_>

However, it proves surprisingly effective!

Oh shush Henrik, don't act like you don't love plucking balloons of toddler pee out of the potty you family sim you... this may be your last chance ever so relish it :P
(Why IS the toddler waste in balloon form? Seriously? Are they tiny mules? D:)

LOL I totally forgot about this pic! This is from Henrik and Serena's first date - it was still in her inventory so I FINALLY dug it out and stuck it up on the wall of their bedroom.

Uriel: Oh GAAAWD they're talking about babies AGAIN wtfff!!!
Amen, sistah. :T

Serena and Henrik: *Make out*

The funny thing about this shot is that Henrik is "congratulating" Serena O_o
Henrik: Phwoar, congrats for being so hot :D
Serena:  LOL thanks. You too :D

You thought you would get through a whole generation written by me without a spazzing out session at the dislocated, chin piercing toddler lower teeth? YOU THOUGHT WROOONGGG!!!
Speaking of wrong, JUST UGGGHHHH, seriously.

Off to work with Serena again, all skilled up and fingers toes legs eyes buttcheeks CROSSED for a promotion.. because...

Yeah she is getting AWWWLLLDSSS :(

Yupa: You know... I think our parents might have been onto something with the whole having gajillions of babies thing, you know?
Honestly, you guys are a fortune and a popularity sim, wtf O_O;;

Ebenezer is still trying to woo Ms Redhead Schoolgirlchicky. Not quite as smooth as Uriel with her "DUUUHHHH" flirting techniques, apparently.

Serena proves her incredibleness once and for all - eight children, no potion of sort-of-cheaty-youthfullness, and head of career path/lifetime want GET!

And for once, the dance of LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME~~!! is well earned.

More success for little Ebenezer XD
I love that exercise outfit btw :P WOOT HOT PINK LEOTARD AND PINK FLUFFY LEGWARMERS FTW. I would so wear that if I was skinnier, y'all know it's true ;p

Uhhh... yeah so um I don't think a hatred of the child you're charged with caring for is a great quality in A NANNY O_O

Okay so then my teen kids threw a party, and amidst the crowd of kidduns I noticed....


Well like actually she's young and fairly pretty - but for being at a teenage birthday party? In THAT outfit and epic quantity of makeup and bleached blondeness? COUGAR. TOWN. POPULATION. YOU.

Omigawd and so of course I had my boy romance sim Xavier strike up a convo with her - and the FIRST THING SHE SAYS...??

So yeah I was kind of *bazuhhh?* at this...
Xavier: So yeah, tennis is like sooo cool...
COUGAR!: *Has morning sickness* (it's like night, but it's still "morning sickness" in the sims :T)
THEN I remembered that she's actually the partner of the latest generation of this family called the Olivers that I was playing a while ago. So yeah, she is fully knocked up. And engaged :x


Xavier: So uh, would you go on a date with me? 8D
Cougar!: PSH NO WAY. >:T Jeez, do I LOOK like the kind of woman who seduces teenage boys??

Nett's right again, that text is kind of creepy :x. But like, I can buy it way more from a teenage girl over an adult of either gender. Because that's such a stereotypical teen girl thing "OMG, MY AWESOME DATE, LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT IT~~"

SETI!SPAM <333333333 you know you love it :D

The kids (Okay Ebenezer farting-in-some-partygoer's-face notwithstanding) are such neat eaters it's kind of weird to me. Having a dinner table full of sims eating without bits and pieces flying around and clouds of belching just doesn't seem quite right.
(yeah I never give my first gen sims neat points does it show lawl >_>)

Serena: OMG I JUST REALISED, now that I'm getting older... we can have sexes without adding to our enormous brood of children :D
Hmm, actually, I don't think that would APPEAL that much to a family sim, would it? 8|

Ehh, Henrik doesn't seem to mind :P

COUGAR! chick doesn't want to date Xavier :(

Avery, what did your brother do to make you get your hates on?

Oh... he... had a bubble bath? In another room? Right then. Totally understandable... >_>
(p.s. Hai Jean-Luc! *waves* welcome to the update :x)

Melody Tinker is so |337 that she had some awesome white wolf deliver her dream date flowers to Uriel 8)

Yeah, okay, COUGAR! Chick really doesn't want to date Xavier D:
But... there are OTHER WAYS >:D

yeah, so, I just had Xavier throw a party and invite her :x Don't know why I didn't just do that earlier instead of asking her on a date like six times. :/

So Jean-Luc Picard started trying to pick up... yep... ANOTHER dark skinned redhead. DEFINITELY seeing a pattern here :P
Jean-Luc Picard: So do you know that Saturn is like this GIANT ball of gas?

Pigtail plait chick: Oh man, giant balls of gas are so cool. You're like totally my new best friend ^__^

In between her bouts of violent vomiting - yyyeah, check out that toilet D: ugh - Xavier finally catches COUGAR! Chick's eye.

Awww, our first heterosexual 'first kiss' for the kidlets :P

Yupa, honey, you don't even HAVE acne... >_> but I guess prevention is the best cure? Or something?

Lol Xavier gets on his teen romance sim strut to go woo COUGAR! Chick some more.

BAHAHAH if my brother was walking around the house like that, I would so do exactly the same thing Yupa :P

Haha <3 She's so ~smitten~ now, it's adorable :P

Meanwhile, pigtail plait chick had such an awesome date with Jean-Luc, she seriously just does not understand how it was even possible. Like she is just STUMPED at how someone could be that amazing, doncha know. >.>

Serena comes home from work in her SEXYYY rock goddess outfit. Soak it up people :D Because...

It's time for a joint birthday party! Seti is becoming a child and our lovely Serena... an ELDER :(

Seti first...
Seti: Ooooh shinyyy
Serena: Uh, noooo touchies... ^^;;

Why hellooo beautiful :) Seti's stats are 3 messy, 10 outgoing, 5 active, 1 serious and 10 nice.

And then it's finally Serena's turn to enter the world of pacemakers, lambs fry, sunday night dinners with the grandkids, and Depends...


Um, hi, Mr headmaster - it sucks and all that you can't get to where you want to go... but I can't help wonder WHY WHERE YOU WANT TO GO IS THE BED XAVIER IS SLEEPING IN D:

Oooh, what's all this? Ebenezer's date is uhh, either leaving her a present... or putting the house under an evil curse O_o


Oh crap! I wish I'd had a boyfriend in highschool who could buy me $3000 presents :P

Seti's childhood transition outfit is very 90s, Britney's baby-one-more-time era, methinks. The plaid micro mini is the main thing for me :P

<33 I gave Serena a slightly more stately, elderly-lady look, and Henry apparently has no problems with this :D

Yeah, be honest -- you didn't even need to look at who Xavier was speaking to, the giant woohoo symbol was a dead COUGAR! giveaway XD

Time flies when you're um... not on screen a whole lot sorry King Richard D: 
But it's teen transition time for the youngest son! :) he doesn't look very happy about it really does he? :|

Thaaat's better :D

HAI TEEN KING RICHARD :D Not bad at all methinks -- he's lost the wicked gremlin smile and eyebrows at least :P
Ambition: Pleasure
Turn ons: Fitness and Atheleticism
Turn off: Red hair
Lifetime Want: Become hand of Poiseidon.

Christ what is with the teenage kids' dates being TOTALLY LOADED?? D:

And I think it's a good place to end today on a picture of Serena elder :) Pretty, ne? :D

ouroboros, sims 2, round robin, legacy

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