fic for satiirysm

Jun 28, 2008 17:40

Title: Sometimes three sides just make a really crooked line
Rating: PG
Threesome: Jin/Kame/Yamapi
Summary: It's possible that it's all just in Kame's head.
Notes: Audny and Lauren were wonderful, awesome betas and I might not have finished this without them.

In retrospect, Kame really shouldn't have been all that surprised that he wasn't the only guy in the jimusho competing for Jin's affection.

Well, he wasn't actually actively competing. It was probably more accurate to say that he wasn't the only person in the jimusho interested in gaining Jin's affection.

And his competition was doing a much better job than he.

Not that Jin noticed.

And it wasn't as if he could ever win against Yamashita Tomohisa, even if Jin magically became more observant.

It wasn't really the best time to be thinking about it anyway, with Koki on his left, Nishikido on his right, and Jin and Yamapi near his feet, entranced with whatever video game it was that they were playing. Kame was glad that Jin was taking steps to repair their friendship, but he wasn't sure why that meant that he had to sit around and watch him and Yamapi play video games.

It was little consolation that Nishikido seemed to share the sentiment. Loudly.

"Dammit, Akanishi. I thought we were going out somewhere. If I'd known we'd just be watching you idiots play games, I wouldn't have skipped out on watching Zettai Kareshi with Uchi."

Jin paused the game and turned directly around to smirk at Nishikido.

"Whipped," he stated simply before turning around to resume his game.

Kame probably would have been more amused if Koki hadn't chosen that exact moment to slump over onto his shoulder.

Which was something that had been happening with alarming frequency recently. He would have suspected narcolepsy, had it ever happened around anyone else.

Kame really, really didn't want to know.

"We're going to leave as soon as I kill Yamapi in one final round, I promise. I'm sure princess isn't suffering withdrawal just yet." Kame thought it was probably the first time in a long that he was actually relieved to know that he was going to go drinking with Jin. If he played his cards right, he wouldn't end up trapped between Nishikido and Koki again.

Hopefully he'd end up between Yamapi and Jin.

Yamapi had the odd, nagging suspicion that Kame was trying to force his way between him and Jin. He wouldn't have noticed, had Kame not actually forced his way between them. He couldn't really be sure, because it was only the third time the three had done something together in a very long time, and, really, he couldn't even begin to figure out why exactly Kame would want to get between him and Jin.

It was the first time he'd noticed, but now that he actually thought about it, it had happened on all three occasions. Admittedly, Kame had been a lot more subtle on the other occasions, but it always seemed like he was actively trying to sit between him and Jin, no matter where they went.

Besides the numerous whys, the main thing Yamapi couldn't figure out was why Jin couldn't just sit between them.

And he'd always thought Kame was smart.

Jin was ecstatic, although if you asked him, he was likely to say that he was 'really happy'. He'd missed being friends with Kame. Honestly, he wasn't even sure why they'd stopped being friends. When he'd come back, Kame just seemed distant in a way he never had before. Jin had felt more than a little resentful about it ("It pisses me off," he'd confided to Yamapi).

Well, there was no point in thinking about it now. He was trying to repair their relationship, after all.

"Kamenashi-kun. Kamenashi. Kame Kame Kame Kaaame. Kame." Kame glared at him over the song selection book. Which Jin thought was kind of hilarious, considering how much Kame had protested that he didn't want to do karaoke.

"Do you need something, Akanishi?"

Jin grinned, full-force. Kame couldn't help being a little dazzled.

"I think we should have a contest. Toma's kind of useless--" "Hey!" "--but between us, Nishikido, and Pi, we have two Kat-tun members and two News members. Anything coming to you?"

"Oi, you forgot someone." Ryo nudged a pouting Uchi, who hadn't really been paying attention before in favor of typing something on his phone.

"Akanishi, you're such an asshole." Uchi's lip was extended to its maximum length as Ryo curled a reassuring arm around Uchi's shoulders. Jin rolled his eyes.

"You're with Toma. Duh. Juniors go together."

"Fuck you. I was in News, too. I wanna be with Ryo-chan and Yamapi." Kame, who had gone back to perusing the selection books, looked up again.

"Akanishi, I don't really want to be in on this whole team scheme."

Jin stuck his tongue out at Kame. "Spoil-sport."

"No, what I mean is I don't want to be weighted down by you, you loser. I'd rather be my own team." Kame's smile was genuine, and he thought it was worth sacrificing his game to see its return.

Yamapi thought he had things figured out. If Kame wasn't trying to break up his friendship with Jin, then he was obviously trying to put himself between him and Jin for another reason.

He knew what reason he'd prefer.

He wasn't in love with Kame or anything, but he could see himself going that way if anything were ever to develop. He definitely had a bit of a thing for Kame (Jin's words, not his, but it worked), although he'd never really thought anything would come of it.

Well, Kame was hot; that much was undeniable.

Unfortunately, it was one of the first nights since Jin had instated his 'Become BFFs with Kame Again' plan that Kame wasn't around. Fortunately, Jin was, and, if nothing else, Jin would listen to him.

"So?" Jin looked at Yamapi consideringly.

"That's really, really gay, Pi." he stretched, stood up, and headed for the fridge. "Want another beer?" Yamapi waved the question off, impatient for Jin to reach his conclusion on the matter. "But, whatever. Kame's a cool guy, and most of this country seems to think you're pretty hot, so go for it. At the worst, at least you're not in the same group."

Yamapi often thought that maybe people didn't give Jin enough credit. He may have been a bit on the slow side, and he was definitely a slut, but he was a damn good friend.

"Okay, whatever. Enough of this shit. Let's finish the movie." Jin pushed play, and the apartment suddenly exploded with noise.

Yamapi was oddly at peace, despite the man being torn apart by a dinosaur on the screen.

Kame was glad to have a night to himself at last. He didn't know how Jin managed to be social every damn night. Kame just had to have his time to himself, or he was pretty sure he'd explode.

As he finally was getting his much-deserved alone time, he'd made himself comfortable and was making his way through one of his favorite books for the fifth time. He kind of thought that the best place in the world to be was in his favorite arm chair, curled up with a cup of tea and a good book. It was a pleasure he was rarely afforded, so he tended to guard his down time fairly fiercely.

That was precisely the reason that the knock on his apartment door made him growl his frustration. He marked his page, set his tea carefully on a coaster (he absolutely despised wet rings on his coffee table), and reluctantly made his way to his front door.

...Where Yamapi stood, looking uncharacteristically nervous. He sighed, unlocked the deadbolt, and swung the door open. Something was up if Yamapi was coming to him rather than Jin.

The thought struck him with a worse one. Was he planning on confessing to Jin? Was he going to call Kame out as his competition? Was he going to tell him to back off?

Either way, a nervous Yamapi was unnatural.

"Hello, Kame. Sorry to interrupt your evening, but I really need to talk to you, if you don't mind." Kame did mind. He minded a whole hell of a lot, but he knew what he had to do. He mentally waved a sad farewell to his peaceful evening and motioned for Yamapi to take a seat on his couch. Kame fetched another cup of tea, handed it to Yamapi, and settled at a respectable distance next to him on the couch.

"Okay, what's wrong?"

"Well, I've been wanting to tell you something for a long time. A couple of years or so, I guess. It's kind of weird, but Jin told me I should tell you--" Oh, god, Kame thought. They're already together."--like you, and I guess I've actually liked you since when we did Nobuta together and the whole Shuji to Akira thing." Yamapi paused for breath, and it suddenly hit Kame that Yamapi hadn't confessed quite what Kame had thought he would.

"Er, come again?"

"I said I like you. Like, I want to date you. Like, I'd really like to kiss you." Yamapi tried to lean in, and Kame jerked back.

"Wait. What? I thought we were fighting over Akanishi. You like me?"

Yamapi couldn't quite keep the disappointment off of his face.

"Jin, huh? I should probably have guessed that. Well, maybe I should leave, then." he stood, but then abruptly sat back down again. "Wait, one thing. I get that you like Jin, but he's the one who encouraged me to go after you in the first place, so do you think that you could just, like, go on a trial date with me?"

Kame sighed. He did feel kind of guilty over the whole thing, but he really didn't want to date Yamapi all that much. He was a nice guy, and he was funny, but he'd never really been attracted to him at all, although that was probably because his thoughts had been completely focused on Jin for quite a while now.

But then again, what could one date hurt? Kame sighed. He couldn't really believe what he was about to agree to.

"You won't try anything funny, will you?”

Yamapi held up his hands, looking a little happier.

"I'll be a complete gentleman, I swear."

Yamapi pinched the bridge of his nose.

"And, you know, I don't really need him anyway. Girls think I'm cute, too, and I'm a better actor. Plus, he probably has STDs. I bet you he'd sleep with anyone. God, why do I even want him?" Kame slammed his beer can down on the table, and it knocked the pyramid of cans that Yamapi had been constructing while Kame ranted.

He really regretted getting Kame drunk.

And it wasn't even the ranting that was getting to him.

"Ne, Yamapi, do you think he'd get jealous if I slept with you? I should totally try it and find out. I dunno, he'd have to find out for it to work, and I honestly don't want him to walk in when I'm fucking someone or something, you know? Maybe you should just tell him you slept with me and see how he reacts. That could totally work."

Yamapi wasn't usually the type to resist any kind of seduction. It just wasn't something he did, but sleeping with a drunk (and willing, god) Kame when he was lamenting about Jin was just below his standards. Drunk girls who were trying to stick their hands down his pants because they wanted him were one thing. A drunk friend who was doing it to make another friend jealous was just completely wrong.

As Yamapi finished setting the cans back on the table, he noticed that Kame had moved significantly closer while he'd been absorbed both in his task and his thoughts.

"Yamapi. Yamapi." Yamapi gave him an 'I'm listening' look (he was used to having to do that; Tegoshi had to be acknowledged, or he got pouty). "Maybe we should just make out. That might make him jealous, and I wouldn't have to sleep with you." Yamapi thought that the last part sounded a bit unnecessarily happy, but that wasn't really the most important matter at the moment.

"I think you'd regret it when you're so--" he was cut off by a lapful of willing Kame, who had decided that it was his life's mission to force his tongue down his throat. Yamapi let his eyes slide shut, and his hand glide up Kame's back to settle in his hair and twine around the strands that fell around the nape of his neck.

Yamapi was starting to think that maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all (it's not like he was trying to sleep with him or anything) when suddenly Kame pushed his hips against Yamapi's and he knew that he was going to have to stop it. Soon, or Kame would never trust him again.

"You guys, that's really gay." Kame jumped out of Yamapi's lap, and Yamapi could see Jin standing in the doorway. "But I'm really tired and I'm going to bed, unless you guys are going to let me join in.”

Pi jumped up, and busied himself looking for spare blankets and pillows. Jin had pretty much killed any signs of his reaction to Kame's bit of indiscretion, but he wasn't sure how long that would last if Kame decided that he really did want to make Jin jealous after all.

When he came back, Kame was passed out on the couch, and looking like he desperately needed the sleep. Yamapi tucked the blanket up around his shoulders and decided the pillow wasn't worth waking him up, but left it at the head of the couch in case Kame woke up later.

Kame thought that things were going pretty well for him.

Sure, he still wanted Jin, but Yamapi was making up for not being who Kame had initially wanted very thoroughly. Plus, he was really good in bed.

Actually, Kame was really starting to like Yamapi, even if he still liked Jin more. Yamapi was kind of dumb sometimes, but not nearly as dumb as Jin. Yamapi didn't cheat on him, which he was sure Jin wouldn't be able to help doing. And he had been talking of a threesome with Jin lately, which Kame was more than happy to support. Jin was still hot, after all, even if Kame had decided to stick with Yamapi for now.

And, really, it gave him the perfect way to let Koki down lightly when he confessed a month later.

jin/kame/yamapi, !rating: pg

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