fic for iraja

Jun 23, 2008 20:46

Title: Seeing You Again
Rating: R
Threesome: Jin/Yamapi/Golf
Summary: Will awkwardness prevail or will they push it aside to resume their relationship?
Warnings: Snarky Golf, Domineering Yamapi and Sadistic Jin. What more can you ask for? Bondage
Notes: I’ve never actually written this pairing together before, so I hope you like it <3

Life was never as easy as the dramas made it out to be. Pirath knew this, but he couldn’t help wishing that it was true. How much easier would it be if, upon seeing Yamapi again, his brother and Yamapi would return to the joyful, friendly atmosphere that they’d enjoyed during the days of Kitty GYM.

The brothers’ English was much better this time around, which allowed for much better communication. In the past, they’d had to rely on hand signals, looks and touch to get their meaning across. Out of all of them, touch had been the most fun.

Standing next to his brother, Pirath let his mind wander for a moment, reminiscing about the time from two years ago. Here they were, standing on the stage of Shounen Club once again, only this time the brothers weren’t part of Kitty GYM; they were there as Golf+Mike, headliners for the Thai version of Johnny’s Entertainment.

GMM Grammy was beginning where JE had already gone. Golf+Mike were to be their headlining debuted group, similar to JE’s Shōnentai from years previous. Everyone else would follow in the wake of their success. Because of this, GMM gave the brothers a great deal of leeway in regards to their music and everything else regarding their careers.

Thus, their current appearance on Shounen Club. They were there to promote their second Japanese album, Dreams Come True. the brothers felt it was a fitting title for their Japanese comeback. Their first album didn’t do as well as they would have liked, but many factors went into the lack of sales. They didn’t feel as if they’d received the right amount of promotion from JE, and they were correct.

But this time would be different. Not only would they be hosting Shounen Club for the month of May, but they would also be on various musical shows, such as Music Station. They truly felt that this time would be a success.

And then they were hit with a new bombshell. JE wanted to combine their Shounen Club guesting’s with a “reunion” of Kitty GYM. Which would explain why they were face to face with their old friend (and lover), Yamashita Tomohisa.

The air was so thick between Golf and Yamapi that you could cut it with a knife. This wasn’t exactly how Mike had hoped their reunion would be like. He could still remember the feelings of betrayal when he felt left out of the whole thing. But, he had to admit, that as happy as he was for his brother, he couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous.

After all, who wouldn’t when Akanishi Jin and Yamashita Tomohisa both lusted after you? Just the image in his head made him groan in longing. He looked over at his brother, and couldn’t suppress the grin. The look in his brother’s eyes could be described as lust, but he knew it was more than that. Protective, possessive…all the qualities that he admired in his brother. And those looks were being leveled at Yamapi.

He had a feeling he wouldn’t be seeing his brother in their hotel room that night.


Sure enough, Mike’s prediction came true. Once the filming for the Shounen Clubs was complete, Golf went to go change and left their hotel room. He couldn’t stand the closed in space that was their room. Or the looks of pity that his brother would level at him. Golf knew that Mike didn’t mean it that way, but he just couldn’t stand to be around anyone at the moment. It had been two years since he’d seen them, two years without their touch or the sound of their voices against his ear.

Closing his eyes, he stood in Yebisu Garden Place, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his leather jacket. A low brimmed hat hid his face from most passerbies, though he seriously didn’t think that people would recognize him. At least, no one out this late at night at any rate. He thought back to the last time he’d been there, and who he had been there with.

Shaking his head, he dug his fingers into his palms. Hoping that the pain would get him out of this funk, he looked around. This was too much of a cliché, really. Here he was, standing in the place that he’d once confessed to…them. And what had come of it? A night of wild sex and that was it. He’d left and gone back to Thailand, and hadn’t heard a thing from either one of them. Not for a whole two years. Not a phone call, email, text message, letter, nothing. It was like they’d fallen off the end of the earth, only he knew they didn’t.

The various magazines with their pictures seemed to taunt him. Saying,”oh look here we are but you can’t touch and we’re too busy to care about you. It was fun while it lasted. See ya!” It was enough to drive anyone insane and Golf wasn’t the most patient of people in the world.

“Fucking bastards. They need to get bent and die.”

“Awww…and here I thought we were missed.”

Golf jumped at the sound of the familiar voice. He turned, coming into contact with the very two he’d been thinking about.

Akanishi Jin looked to his best friend, Yamashita Tomohisa, and then grinned back at Golf. “You weren’t talking about us, were you Pichaya-kun?”

About to open his mouth and say, yes he was what of it, Golf stopped when Yamapi put his arm around his shoulders. “Don’t be mad, Chaya-chan. Let’s go get some drinks and we can talk about it, ne?”

One of the few things Golf could never refuse was Yamapi. Especially when he used that pet name. Damnit. “Fine.”

Yamapi and Jin glanced at one another and grinned. It was going to go much smoother. Once they got the younger man’s agreement, the rest would just follow through much more easily.

The night was silent, save for the cars nearby and the wind. A soft patter on the ground sounded the coming of the rain storm. Within minutes, the three were soaked from the pouring rain. Golf forgot all about his anger, laughing with the other two as they ran towards the large building proclaiming it the Sapporo Beer Station. Once inside, they took off their hats and coats and hung them up to dry. The waitress seated them in one of the back, private rooms.

With a whispered word to the waitress to keep the alcohol coming, the three were seated. Wary, Golf took a sip of his first glass, and after draining it, he became much more open, just as the other two knew he would be. Golf was usually very uptight, even strict and rigid. After a few glasses of beer, however, he started to loosen up. Which was exactly what Yamapi and Jin had been hoping would happen.

Time seemed to still as the three friends talked. Finally, Yamapi decided it was time they got their problems out in the air, as it were. “Chaya, I want to apologize, as does Jin. We can’t blame you for being upset and not wanting to see us.”

Golf snorted, staring into his glass. “Don’t think everything will be all peachy keen and perfect again. You do this all the time! So long as I’m here, everything is perfect and lovely. Once I go home, I don’t exist to either of you.”

Jin opened his mouth to protest but Golf looked up, his cold eyes stopping the older man in his tracks. “It’s true and you know it. First time was in 2004 when we were here. That’s when we all met and fell in love, or so I had thought. We left, and I didn’t hear a thing from either of you for two years. We came back in 2006, same thing. Everything was perfect, then we leave and you two might as well have dropped off the face of the earth for all I heard from you. Now it’s 2008, and you want to get started again. How long this time? Till our tour is over and it goes back to hearing nothing from you again until our next trip to Japan? I’m sorry, I can’t live like this.”

The bitterness with which he spoke surprised both Jin and Yamapi. They couldn’t deny that Golf’s words were true. But not for the reasons that Golf seemed to think.

“Look, Pichaya. We didn’t contact you for a reason, a very good reason,” Jin started, but Golf cut him off.

“Oh yeah? What? I didn’t fit into your busy schedule? Or you found some chick that suited your needs more then I do?” Golf sneered, enjoying the look of embarrassment that fell over Jin’s face. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

“NO.” The forcefulness with which Yamapi’s said that one word made both Jin and Golf start. The look in his brown eyes said it all; it was something that he regretted, even to this day. But he also wouldn’t accept Golf’s belligerence either. “You of all people know that our lives are not our own, as idols. You experience the same thing. Both of us wanted to contact you more times than you can imagine, but we were forbidden. Kitigawa saw how close we were and forbade us from contacting you, for fear that rumors would spread.”

It was such an easy answer, and one that Golf wanted to deny as false. But he’d met Johnny Kitigawa, and knew it was entirely possible that the man had forced his will on Jin and Yamapi. He looked around to make sure that they really were alone. Such conversation could be the stuff of wild rumors that could cost them their jobs.

Picking up his beer glass, he swirled the contents, watching as the bubbles moved one end of the glass to the other. Closing his eyes, he took a swig of the liquid, but didn’t swallow. Turning to face Jin, he leaned in, capturing the older man’s lips with his own, sharing the liquid between them, even as he pushed his tongue in, savoring the taste of Jin’s mouth and the beer combined.

A soft groan came from the other side of the table as Yamapi watched the two share a hot kiss. He looked around, nervous as he waited for someone to come by and see. That would be the end of them for sure. But no such thing occurred, at least not until Golf pulled away with a smug look on his face.

The look of surprise had left Jin’s face, only to be replaced by a cunning expression. He looked to Yamapi, who shared a similar look. That always made Golf nervous; most people’s opinion of how Jin and Yamapi behaved was completely false. Jin was anything but stupid; most of his fumbling on camera was all an act. He was incredibly intelligent, and it showed now as he looked his best friend.

Contrary, Yamapi had one of his trademark rare smiles, which caused Golf to be even more nervous than he normally was with Jin’s expression. From past experience, he knew that when together, they could come up with some interesting, and sometimes painful experiences. He didn’t know which he longed for more, the interesting or the painful.

The next few moments were a whirlwind in his mind as Jin and Yamapi paid for their drinks and then dragged him out of the beer station. They headed for the hotel that was just behind, The Westin Tokyo. A room had already been arranged; how did they know this would happen? Was Golf that predictable to them? Or were they just that confident in their abilities to get him there? He didn’t know, nor did he really care.

It took only moments for them to arrive at their hotel room. Pushing open the door, Golf gave a low growl, his fingers digging into Jin’s shirt. His knee pressed against Jin’s groin, his lips brutally taking a hold of Jin’s.

Taste, touch, longing, desire, pain, pleasure. They all mingled together in Golf’s mind, making him bolder then he normally would have been. When his teeth bit down on Jin’s bottom lip, the older man yelped and gave Golf a hurt look.

Golf rolled his eyes, not breaking away. “What’s the matter Akanishi? Can’t take any of what you give?”

“My my. Snarky Pichaya is out in force.” Yamapi went to the windows, closing the binds, plunging them into semi-darkness.

“You want it rough? Fine. You’ll get it rough, Nitipaisalkul. By the way…your name is too long. Change it.”

“Fuck you!” Golf retorted, and then yelped when he was pushed down onto the bed. Powerful arms pushed his arms over his head. Another set began to tie them to the wooden headboard above his head.

“You’d like to, I know. Maybe some other time.” Jin smirked; his tongue slipping out briefly to lick his lips while he watched Yamapi tie Golf to the bed. Now who wouldn’t like this sight? A pretty young Thai boy, bound to your bed. Life couldn’t get much better than this.

Golf opened his mouth to retort angrily, but was stopped when another pair of lips covered his own. The softness of Yamapi’s lips against his own, coupled with the sensuous way his tongue moved over his lips and in his mouth, made him groan and arch up to meet the intense kiss. It was a wonder that he could hold on, especially when the bites started.

He whimpered into the kiss, his fingers flexing, wanting to touch, but unable to do so. It was pure torture; but torture that he’d experienced before. This was how they played; Jin would torture Golf until he got pissed, Yamapi would retaliate by driving him crazy, and then Jin would attack with his own sexiness. Sometimes he hated how they seemed to be in perfect synch all the time. Yamapi knew just what Jin liked, and vice versa. They could bring him near to climax with just a touch, a whisper. It wasn’t fair how deeply they could affect him.

There were times he never wanted to see them ever again, and then there were times, like now, when he never wanted them to leave. He knew that he didn’t have to say anything; the look in his eyes was enough to let them know he wanted more. But Jin was never satisfied with that, not until Golf was begging for more, for both of them to take him. And he would be soon, he knew it. But he held off for as long as he could, that’s just how stubborn he was. Even with his defeat imminent, he refused to give in totally.

At least, that was how it had always been between them. The struggled, the pain, it was all worth it in the end. But Golf had enough of it all. The last two years had been unbearably painful without them. When he’d heard of Jin leaving…that had been the worst. To think that Jin could be in America forever, that Golf would never see him again. That he would never feel his touch, never get to experience the love between Jin and Yamapi…it had been too painful to bear.

He hadn’t realized it until that moment, but this was what he wanted. He wanted to be tied up in a bed with Yamapi kissing him senseless, with Jin removing his clothing and placing painful bites along his flesh. It wasn’t the sex, it was the closeness. Their touch was like an elixir, it gave him life and made him feel connected and loved. They didn’t do this because it was a way to get sex. They could get that from anyone.

No, they did this because of how they felt about him. His anger at them had been real, and he could see how it had affected them. Their words came back to him fleetingly, and in that moment, he knew just how agonizing it must have been for them to not be able to contact him. As much, or more, then it had been for him. How did any of this come about, he wondered. How could these two Japanese idols, adored by millions and certainly able to pick their share of lovers, want him?

“Mou…” Jin’s voice pulled Golf out of his reverie and he couldn’t help but snicker at the look on his face. He looked like a little lost puppy. “Pi, Chaya isn’t paying attention to us. We’re going to have to do something drastic.”

Golf shivered at the sound of Yamapi’s nickname for him coming from Jin’s lips. God, it sounded so hot. “Quit your complaining and fuck me already why don’t you!”

“Oh, that’s better. I thought we’d snapped your brain cells or something this time.”



The next morning found Golf curled up next to his lovers. It was funny; he’d never called them that before. But after the night’s events, he couldn’t think of calling them anything else but lovers. They had all connected in a way that they never had before and he liked it. It had taken years of heartache and feeling alone, but it was finally over. And it might be another two years before they saw each other again, but it didn’t matter. The only thing that truly mattered was what was in their hearts, and Golf knew that it was the same between all three of them.

Mike will be happy, he thought as he slipped out of bed and got dressed. He knew that his brother had been worried about him, ever since their last time they’d been to Japan during the time they were in Kitty GYM. At the time his brother had assumed it was because of all the bad rumors going on about them, but it soon became apparent that was only part of it.

Bending down, Golf placed a soft kiss to both their lips, and then slipped out of the hotel room. There were more interviews to do, and he felt that he could face them with a light and glad heart now. The awkwardness was over and it would never surface again. Time to live life to its fullest, as it was meant to be lived.

Besides, he’d see them soon enough. Didn’t Jin say something about clubbing? He couldn’t wait.

jin/yamapi/golf, !rating: r

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