Birthday Game!

Nov 26, 2008 09:37

Ok, let's do this!

It's Guess the [Various Stats] for Mini2!

Here's how it works. You make your guesses for the following items, and I post them. If you're right, you get the satisfaction of knowing that your powers of ESP are intact! For the record, spyderqueen "won" the last round, with the most accurate birthday, weight, and length predictions.

Some data points:
As of my last OB appointment, I've gained approximately 45 pounds so far.
I'm currently 35 weeks pregnant (5 weeks to go), with an estimated due date (based on LMP and ultrasound measurement) of December 31, 2008.
This is a second pregnancy.
First baby was born 2 days after his due date. 9lbs, 1oz, 20 inches. Red hair. Eyes were newborn blue for several months, then turned brown.

So, you can make guesses for any or all of the following categories. Keep in mind that we still haven't made a final decision on whether to do a scheduled c-section (although I'm moving farther and farther from wanting to do so). If we do one of those, the birthdate itself is pretty much guaranteed, but everything else can still be guessed at!

You can make the same guess as someone else if you really think that's the right answer. I don't mind.

Birthdate - indicate AM (between 00:00 and 11:59) or PM (between 12:00 and 23:59) delivery
Birth weight
Birth length
Hair color at birth (or indicate if you think he'll be bald, lol)
Eye color (if you want - somewhat irrelevant since it usually changes, as Niv's did - but indicate if you're guessing eye color at birth or eventual permanent eye color)

Comment with your guesses and I'll put up a chart of the guesses once I have a few, then continue adding to it. I'll put up reminder posts and links each week until he comes!


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