So. This thing happened where I made a vid. I kind of really hope other people don't think it's terrible.
Vid: "The River Flows In You"
Artist: Yiruma
Fandom: Fingersmith
Summary: Sue/Maud. It's sweet. It's fluffy. It's pretty girls falling in love.
60.2 MB - Sendspace Streaming:
Youtube Vid will permanently be available at
website. Please use the sendspace link until it expires for tracking purposes and as a courtesy to those who provide him free webspace.
A big, huge, MONSTROUS thank-you goes out to
jarrow who spent countless hours on Skype teaching me what to do, being a totally awesome beta (I know I told you I hated your face a lot during this process, but it was totally in a good 'my vid will be better if I just shut up and do as he says' kind of way!), giving me a permanent place to put my vid, and for all the other cheerleading, both vid related and non-vid related, over the last couple of months. You're totally my hero.